Halloween 2019 Brainstorming

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Halloween 2019 Brainstorming

Postby Jezebelle » Sat Jul 13, 2019 4:14 am

The Anniversary events are over-ish?... or at least ending, so it's time to start thinking of Halloween! We didn't get very much new loot this year, but there was some, in both games, so let's assume someone will take a few minutes out of their new projects to keep making a little something to keep us playing AO and SWL. Last Halloween, AO got a new bikini and a few different colors of morph suits and a timed world boss Great Pumpkin encounter, but that's hard to get loot from and the Abandoned Facility is hard to get lowbies to and the herds of Uncle Pumpkinheads are way overloaded on the loot tables, so if anyone has any cool new ideas for a dungeon, encounter, mob, or some other way to distribute new loot, that might help. And of course new stuff to get there.

As for Secret World Legends, we don't have the Spooky Stories of Solomon Island back yet, so hopefully that will come to SWL, and maybe something that requires ritual summoning like Hel and the Gatekeeper. Probably. If you'd prefer they change that up and try a new strategy for that part, go ahead and suggest one. Also, there will probably be new social stuff dropping for daily logins and caches, so suggest what you want to see there. Judging by the last few, that will probably be mostly repeats, but there could be something new.

As usual, I'll be gathering the suggestions in this thread, and after a couple weeks of collecting ideas, GSP Crew and Dancers will vote to pick our top 20 favorites and I'll write those up in more detail, with reference images where necessary, then send them all in for FC's idea pool. I'll also post them to the official AO and SWL forums, but I'm officially collecting the suggestions here in the GSP forums because it'll just be easier to compile the list if i don't have to worry about editing limits and post size and such. I'll try to keep up with collecting any posts from there, as well as FB and Twitter, to add to this list as we go.


Jul 12 - Jul 28 Aug 4: Two Three weeks of collecting suggestions at parties and here in this thread.

Jul 29 Aug 4 - Aug 11: One week for GSP DJs, Dancers, and Staff vote on their favorite ideas.

Aug 4 11 - Aug 18: One week for me to sort out and write up the favorite ideas with detailed descriptions and reference images.

Aug 12 19 - Oct 10: Hopefully, FC will be designing all the new goodies some time in August and building, implementing, and testing in September, in whatever spare time falls out while they're waiting for the new project to compile or whatever.

Oct 11-30: Events start. AO used to start late, just before Halloween, and run through most of November, but SWL starts early and runs through October, and for some reason they like to overlap them more than that. They can start AO's events without a patch, so they could patch any time in October and set a timer to start the event, but they go for the overlap anyway. They'll both start some time in October, probably the 2nd and 3rd weeks, but we won't know for sure until it happens.

Oct 31: Halloween

Now this is a brainstorming thread, so we want lots of ideas to choose from. GSP will be picking favorites for me to write up in detail, but I'll be sending in the whole list, even if some of them are just vague single phrases, because something that didn't strike a chord with us might turn out to give FC a good idea anyway.

Some guidelines for suggestions:

1) Be specific enough that everyone will have roughly the same idea what you mean.

2) Don't infringe on anyone else's Intellectual Property. Ideas inspired by some other game, movie, tv show, or whatever, are fine, as long as they're just oblique references. Using quotes, images, or names that belong to someone else isn't going to happen. The dance emotes in TSW are a good example. They're all recognizable, but not exactly identical to the famous choreography, and they're named something similar, not the actual song title. Except Gangnam Style. Maybe FC legal isn't worried about using that spelling when the game doesn't even know how to spell in Korean?

3) Keep it within the games' ratings, whatever they are in your region. You've all seen the bikinis, thongs, alien toys, and Dragon tantric footrubs, so you know there's still a lot of room to be sexy without getting too explicit.

4) Original new ideas are preferred, but if we still haven't gotten your favorite idea from some previous year, go ahead and suggest it again. Here are links to the previous lists if you want to look something up or just get some inspiration to get the creative juices flowing.

Halloween 2018 Brainstorming

Halloween 2017 Brainstorming

Halloween 2016 Brainstorming

Halloween 2015 Brainstorming

Halloween 2014 Brainstorming

Halloween 2013 Brainstorming (thread MIA?)

Halloween 2012 Brainstorming (thread MIA?)

Halloween 2011 Brainstorming

Halloween 2010 Brainstorming
Last edited by Jezebelle on Fri Jul 26, 2019 9:43 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Halloween 2019 Brainstorming

Postby Jezebelle » Sat Jul 13, 2019 4:23 am

1 (AO) whip that can be equipped off-hand with a pistol, just for looks

2 (SW) blood magic book that heals proportional to the damage dealt

3 (both) nose bridge shades like Morpheus wears
– optionally with googly eyes, or bloodshot wide eyes, painted on

4 (both) "Miss Pumpkinhead" outfit consisting of black ink spilled down the front, compatible with a pumpkin hat
- see Imaginative Image Studios on FaceBook for a series of photos of this idea offered as suggestion

5 (both) sugar skulls that summon appeased ghosts
- and sugar panties that summon satisfied pervy ghosts? Some Atrox facial expressions are about right.

6 (both) fethers (suggested by Lue the permanently drunk leet in ICC Park)
- feather dusters
- feather fans
- feather bikini
- feather samba / Brazilian festivale costume

7 (AO) The Shade morph cast by the Halloween leets should count as camouflage for the Uturn Forest shades, just like the cyborg camouflage and the scorpiod scent

8 (AO) Trick-or-Treat dungeons
- something easier for lowbies to get new stuff, like in-town dungeon locations with a QL1 Haunted House full of costumed leets and leet pets and a few of the beasties from the abandoned facility and they could be given the new / recent QL1 social stuff each year without having to spend hours combing through already harvested Pumpkinheads
- If there's a way to make it the default dungeon of those in-town doors, we could just go from door to door with our bags
- or if that wouldn't work, how about crashing the leets' sekrit Howleen parteh in the old closed down condemned subway locations in Galway, Athen, and Borealis?

9 (both) Animated sword costume
– a fancy shiny broadsword that makes the rest of you invisible so just the sword remains visible

10 (AO) skull shoulderpads like Cyborgs have

11 (AO) skull backpack
– maybe a minibull skull

12 (AO) masquerade ball / Venetian carnival / domino / lorgnette masks

13 (both) superhero/villain costumes
– Captain Anarchy needs a nemesis and a sidekick at least, maybe a teammate named Online?
– like Shadowlands Tight Armor but less exclusive
– like Metamorphogenetic suits but less monochrome
– like SW aerobics leotards but less neon pastel
- like the Heroic and Champion costumes, but less... old and expensive

14 (AO) breed-specific super (villain? hero? neutral?) costumes, such as:
Atrox - "Mr Mundane"
Opifex - "Ms Unbendable"
Nanomage - "Cerebrex"
Solitus - "Florida Man"

15 (AO) werewolf mask - with just one head

16 (AO) furniture costumes - like the cardboard box hologram you hide in for one lowbie daily mission, but for refrigerators, couches, tables, etc

17 (both) frog costume
- https://images.fun.com/products/22233/1 ... ostume.jpg
- or a salamander or lizard morph, or anything more frog-like?

18 (AO) accessories to turn the Metamorphogenetic suits into sentai suits

19 (both) myrmelk

20 (AO) Social recall beacon adjustable via screwdriver to teleport to the different social destinations city whompahs used to go to

21 (AO) a clown monster that occasionally summons either a Swiftwind-sized Mr. Squeaky or a dozen Mr. Squeaky-sized Swiftwinds

22 (SWL) a deployable decoy item that's just a chair. 75% chance any targeted effect will target the chair instead, just like all social emotes in TSW used to

23 (SWL) a text adventure version of Conan Chop Chop for the text game terminals in Seoul

24 (SWL) normal zombie and filth-infected human glamours

25 (both) lit torches

26 (AO) flaming pitchforks (and bring back the plastic pitchfork)

27 (AO) placeable jack-o-lanterns (preferably with flames inside)

28 (AO) zix in a pumpkin pet

29 (AO) Dead Zix-in-a-box wearable as a cardboard box hat
- or a broken robot zix worn as a hat, like a Half-Life headcrab

30 (AO) new candy item that randomly morphs you into one of the Halloween social pets

31 (both) crime scene tape / police evidence bikinis

32 (both) black thorn/vine applique on mesh fabric bralette
- https://www.etsy.com/listing/712604759/ ... -design-on

33 (AO) skeletal silverhorns

34 (both) hovering eyeball pet

35 (AO) doll-sized mutant decorations, like undead lawn gnomes

36 (SWL) An NPC who started playing The Secret World in 2012 and got so into the alternate reality games that they went out and found the real Kingsmouth and then got locked up in a mental hospital for claiming they were playing a game and the world wasn't real and they keep trying to eat a bee but it hasn't worked yet
- "I used to be an adventurer like you, but then I got stuck in this investigation mission. Literally."

37 (both) medieval costumes, like knights, troubadors, jesters, courtiers, etc.

38 (both) faceless mask
– white porcelain
- matte black with glowing red eyes
- silver and reflective

39 (both) Consecratrix costume / glamour

40 (AO) a silver hand mirror, broken because AO can't reflect
- when repaired, the broken glass is replaced by a black screen and a “low battery” icon
- apply batteries, like a couple of energy bullets or notum chip or something, and it becomes an error message, “device not found”
- attach a personal camera and the error changes to “no temporal signal”
- then if you combine it with something retrieved from the Temple of Three Winds, like the wine maybe, it finally works, but it will only show you what you will look like the next time you die. And you can't see enough around you to avoid it or tell when it will happen.

41 (AO) ghost ship vehicle

42 (SWL) bloody demonic ritual sacrificial dagger, worn between the shoulderblades, or straight through the chest

43 (both) gothic burlesque corsets of black lace and silver, purple, or red velvet

44 (both) pink and gold and black candy skull print Day of the Dead dress

45 (both) broken doll costume, a grey jumper with detached-looking shoulers, ragged looking hems, etc

46 (both) pets and costumes and other assorted merchandise from Mutant Year Zero

47 (both) velociraptor mask

48 (AO) animated armor with glowing flowing lines and such, like something that might remind you of Tron if you haven't seen it in 20 years and aren't a lawyer, like PanOptic Core for AO

49 (AO) A translucent umbrella with LED lighting
- on the handle like Blade Runner, or
- on the ribs, like https://thumbs4.ebaystatic.com/d/l225/m ... QJL5HA.jpg
- or maybe it's one of those air umbrellas that someone finally worked all the batteries+rain bugs out of after 27 millennia.

50 (both) red and black harlequin costumes in various levels of skimpy

51 (SWL) bullet bras, or torpedoes, or something along those lines that isn't trademarked

52 (both) assorted underwear worn as a hat

53 (both) giant Carmen Miranda-style fruit hats

54 (AO) leets dressed up as stars of classic rock
- the Leetles: John Leeton, George Leetison, Leeto Starr, Paul McLeetney
- Freddie Merculeet
- Leeton John
- Jimmi Leetrix
- David Bowleet (at least 12 different looks for that one)

55 (AO) a leet in a candy corn outfit so nobody will eat him

56 (AO) Witch leet, ike a gothic Cheerleet with a pointy hat

57 (AO) Engleet Knnnigghit pet with a mild elderberry scent

58 (AO) Duckyboat

59 (AO) tank spanker – like a placard, but instead of the square sign, it's a giant hand on a stick

60 (both) flamenco dresses
Last edited by Jezebelle on Sun Aug 04, 2019 9:58 pm, edited 9 times in total.
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Re: Halloween 2019 Brainstorming

Postby Jezebelle » Sat Jul 13, 2019 4:25 am

[second reply reserved for tradition]
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Re: Halloween 2019 Brainstorming

Postby Jezebelle » Fri Jul 26, 2019 9:44 pm

Due to an unfortunate confluence of technical difficulties and otherwise cancelled shows, we’ve only got 30 ideas on the list and time’s almost up, so I’m extending the ideas collection another week. Since the difficulties appear to be ongoing as of this morning, if there are any more ideas here, please share them here instead of waiting to discuss them at a show.
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Re: Halloween 2019 Brainstorming

Postby Faithy » Mon Jul 29, 2019 2:58 pm

Normally I don't really have any ideas that haven't already been mentioned, and maybe this has already been covered, but while playing SWL last night, I was thinking that I would REALLY love to have a costume or morph of the Consecratix monsters from the Savage Coast. They are just so awesome looking! Not a lot of images found online, I'll have to try and get my own screenshots sometime later... but there's a video here: https://youtu.be/u7B9mAseFD0?t=82
And an image here: https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/d31be438-c396-4c1e-ba69-d649ec9dcdc7/dc6fus9-6d7f938b-b1f3-42a0-8421-040afc09ea68.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7InBhdGgiOiJcL2ZcL2QzMWJlNDM4LWMzOTYtNGMxZS1iYTY5LWQ2NDllYzlkY2RjN1wvZGM2ZnVzOS02ZDdmOTM4Yi1iMWYzLTQyYTAtODQyMS0wNDBhZmMwOWVhNjguanBnIn1dXSwiYXVkIjpbInVybjpzZXJ2aWNlOmZpbGUuZG93bmxvYWQiXX0.8OFGtDEgRPIJezFBfudLXbIyXgFvxZOIwdvHYVkhyBg
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Re: Halloween 2019 Brainstorming

Postby Jezebelle » Wed Jul 31, 2019 9:16 am

I'm well familiar with what Consecratrices look like. I have a pet one. It was one of our first TSW requests. Ashval's first, anyway. And second. And every event until we got them.

In TSW, I would have said no chance, as they'd been handed down a corporate level financial/marketing decision to disallow player nudity to comply with particular ratings laws in certain regions. In SWL... there's that one bug they left in... and they backpedaled on the surgically affixed smiley face pasties... so it's "possible" I guess? I wouldn't bet on it, but it couldn't hurt to ask.
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Re: Halloween 2019 Brainstorming

Postby Gridfan » Fri Aug 02, 2019 3:14 am

A translucent umbrella with LED lighting.
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Halloween 2019 Ideas - final list sent in

Postby Jezebelle » Tue Aug 20, 2019 10:30 am

To whomsoever may be involved in making Halloween content for Secret World Legends and/or Anarchy Online,

Here's GSP's annual list of Halloween ideas for AO and SWL. As always, ideas were collected mostly from two weeks of GSP parties, plus some set aside since last Halloween. GSP DJs, Dancers, and staff helped put them in order so I could fill in extra details on our favorites, but the whole list is here. One difference this year is I tried to limit the repeats instead of asking for the same things we ask for every year. We still want that stuff too. I'm sure you still have the old lists, so just consider this an addition, rather than an update.

1) [AO] Social recall beacon adjustable via screwdriver to teleport to the different social destinations city whompahs used to go to

This isn't very Halloween-themed, but it was the most popular idea that came up, probably because it's the most useful. There was supposedly a "plan" to provide some alternate teleportation functionality after the open world org cities went away. Without those teleporters, there are a lot of places out there that are a lot more time-consuming to get back from than they used to be. I don't personally have the beacons from ICC yet, but according to several folks who do, they're better than nothing, but not good enough to make up for the missing whompahs. A bar crawl beacon for teleporting to the various clubs and bars, maybe even The Grind, would be great, even if it has a long cooldown. The lack of those teleporters is a major reason GSP never has parties in Baboons or Rompa any more.

Of course, it would be nicer if such a useful device was available all year, like the org city whompahs, not just at Halloween.

2) [AO] Trick-or-Treat dungeons / Halloween haunted house party

The Abandoned Facility is very hard to get to at level 25, nearly impossible below that without a warp (unlikely to find folks that dedicated a couple years later), and last year's new raid in a volcano was even more exclusive. Good old Uncle Pumpkinhead has *most* of the loot, but that's a problem too. His loot table is ridiculous and the herds of them lying around after an NT passes by get picked over pretty fast so any new loot is already gone. We need an easier way for lowbies to get new social stuff.

One option I keep suggesting is to make the Halloween leets' Shade morph work as camouflage for the Uturn Forest shades, so that even lowbies can just sneak into the facility and then turn it off. I'm guessing you still haven't done that because there's some catch that makes it not work that easy, so I asked everyone for other suggestions.

Every time I asked, the answer was a haunted house or halloween party, right in town. Or towns. The old Abandoned Subway locations in Borealis, Galway, and West Athen would work. Or random in-town dungeon locations would work too. Either one could spawn a QL1 Haunted House full of costumed leets and leet pets and a few of the beasties from the abandoned facility and they could be given the new / recent QL1 social stuff each year without having to spend hours combing through already harvested Pumpkinheads and sacrificing whole sets of dice to RNGesus.

If there's a way to make it the default dungeon of the QL1 in-town misison location doors, our little lowbies could just go from door to door with our bags, trick-or-treating. If it was all QL1, higher level characters wouldn't be too interested in it, but lowbie social alts would have fun crashing the leets' Howleen Parteh. Making one location an open instance of that, with respawning random non-aggressive costumed leets, would make a fun Halloween Party venue. I mean, you could just have ARK fill Reet Retreat with costumed critters for the big party and hand out some goodies, but a couple hours on one night really isn't enough for Halloween parties, is it?

3) [AO] A translucent umbrella with LED lighting

This would be a handheld light source, like an Energy Rapier, but QL1 social. Not a picnic table-sized umbrella like the current one, just a usable size for one or two people the size of the wielder. So, it would need an Atrox Mode. Apply screwdriver to resize, as usual.

I originally thought they were referring to the umbrellas in Blade Runner, with the glowing central shaft, which would be cool, but what they really meant was a thin opaque shaft and lighted ribs, like https://thumbs4.ebaystatic.com/d/l225/m ... QJL5HA.jpg

Or if you want something more unique, maybe it's a glowing version of one of those air umbrellas that someone finally worked all the batteries+rain bugs out of after 27 millennia. Maybe what that old Kick-non-starter really needed was notum and nanobots.

4) [both] fethers

I asked Lue, the permanently drunk leet in ICC Park, what he wanted and his answer, "fethers", prompted a couple of suggestions, most of which have been on our lists before, but maybe not recently. We do still want:

- feather dusters
- feather fans
- feather bikini
- feather samba / Brazilian festivale costume

5) [AO] Witch leet

This is open to interpretation, but I imagine her like a gothic Cheerleet with a pointy hat. Maybe an Elvira dress.

6) [both] hovering eyeball pet

That's pretty self-explanatory. Rolling versions were also suggested, but I expect floating would be easier and approximately as creepy. Although... I suppose the rollerrat animations would be about right, minus the legs. No scream, though. That would be too much. Please no eyeballs with a rollerrat scream. Just typing that gives me the willies.

7) [AO] placeable jack-o-lanterns (preferably with flames inside)

We know decorations with flames are possible because there are fireplaces and campfires. Can they be made a little smaller and placed inside a jack-o-lantern? If smaller doesn't work, make the pumpkins huge enough to fit around the fire? Preferably a couple of different faces, like SWL has.

8) [AO] leets dressed up as stars of classic rock

Bob Marleet is already hanging out in The Grind. How about a few more? Maybe put them in the Howleen Parteh / Haunted House mission or let them wander about town, handing out invitations to the party?

There are plenty of leetable rock stars to choose from.
- the Leetles: John Leeton, George Leetison, Leeto Starr, Paul McLeetney
- Freddie Merculeet
- Leeton John
- Jimmi Leetrix
- David Bowleet (at least 12 different looks for that one)
Or whoever your own favorites are.

9) [both] crime scene tape / police evidence bikinis

A bandeau top and Brazilian-style bottom made of police (or Omni-Pol) crime scene / evidence tape. There's a surprising scarcity of reference images for this, but the idea is straight-forward enough. Might be some regulations about actually doing that on RK4.

10) [both] "Miss Pumpkinhead" outfit

No cloth, just black ink spilled down the front. And a little in back, if necessary. It should be a chest and legs outfit, but compatible with a pumpkin hat.

See https://www.facebook.com/imaginativeima ... 2761312604 - Imaginative Image Studios on FaceBook for a series of photos of this idea offered as suggestion.

11) [both] animated armor with glowing flowing lines

Like something that might remind you of Tron if you haven't seen it in 20 years and aren't a lawyer. Like PanOptic Core for AO, but preferably in more than one color. And while we're at it, how about other colors of it for SWL? Purple and orange maybe, for Halloween, and leave the white for the achievement.

12) [both] lit torches

I know TSW used to have these, but I don't think I've seen them in SWL. Are they even still a thing? Maybe instead of whatever mission item we used to have to abuse to get them in TSW, just make a SWL Halloween item that gives that effect on purpose.

And AO's had torches forever, but they're just clubs. Flaming hands is a Martial Arts nano effect, and the wedding ring effect can do that on just one hand, so fire in one hand is possible, but can that be offset to the end of a torch? Might be a bit of FX tweaking, but it would be pretty cool if you could make it work.

13) [both] gothic burlesque corsets of black lace and silver, purple, or red taffeta or velvet

There are plenty of good examples of that. Burleska Corsets ( https://www.burleska.co.uk/ ) has whole categories. The one that most caught my eye was
https://gothicandamazing.tumblr.com/pos ... vet-corset

14) [both] broken doll costume

A grey jumper with detached-looking shoulders, ragged looking hems, cracked porcelain mask/makeup, loose/missing buttons, etc.
maybe something like https://www.halloweencostumes.com/adult ... stume.html

15) [both] superhero/villain costumes

Superheroes are very popular lately, so several superhero-related ideas came up and I'll just throw them all together here. Of course, any specific superhero is already copyrighted, but making up your own or giving us parts to mix together to make our own should be fair.

AO already has the Champion and Heroic outfits, as well as Captain Anarchy, but they're rarely used, possibly because they're expensive or time-consuming to get and/or hard to mix and match with anything to personalize them. More spandex-looking items in enough varieties to mix up, even matching with the old ones, would help. Something like Shadowlands Tight Armor but less exclusive and rare.

Another option for AO would be breed-specific super (villain? hero? normal?) costumes, such as:
- Atrox - "Mr Mundane"
- Opifex - "Ms Unbendable"
- Nanomage - "Cerebrex"
- Solitus - "Florida Man"

And Captain Anarchy needs a nemesis and a sidekick at least, maybe a teammate named Online?

SWL could use some more spandex too, like aerobics leotards but less 1980s neon pastel. Maybe they'd pass for yoga pants in another context. And if anyone complains that people only dress like that at comic conventions, they should check out the exercise apparrel and activewear at international online retailers like Black Milk, Wicked Weasel, even Amazon. Apparently going for a jog dressed like a superhero is a thing now. Capes are still weird, though. Especially if you can't fly.

Both need accessories to turn the Morph / Metamorphogenetic suits into sentai suits. Gloves, belt, and helmet should do it. Maybe some glowing and/or shiny chest logo kind of things, perhaps as neck or back items?

16) [both] flamenco dresses

Low cut in front, even lower in back. Sleeves optional. Higly asymmetric hemline, very red, and extremely ruffled. I know AO can't make a dress down to the ankle on one side and up to the thigh on the other, but what if it was just the color that was asymmetric? Like this one: https://www.everythingflamenco.com/shop ... nce-dress/

Of course, I would hope that any SWL flamenco dress is at least as diagonal as its learning curve.

17) [AO] flaming pitchforks

Once upon a time, Uncle Pumpkinhead dropped plastic pitchforks for Halloween. That was 12 years ago. They made a brief reappearance as replicas, but when the rest of the old replica items returned to the annual Halloween loot tables, Halloween Pitchforks, The Splat Shirt, and the Grinning Devil t-shirt were left out. It would be cool to see those come back, but even better if you could combine the pitchforks with the "lit torches" idea and have flaming pitchforks. I mean, let's face it, it's not easy to gather a whole angry mob in AO lately. In order to reach both a critical mass of torch and a quorum of pitchfork, we'd each have to have two of each, so, flaming pitchforks are a must.

18) [both] red and black harlequin costumes in various levels of skimpy

I considered throwing this in with the superheroes and villains ideas, but that might be a little too specific, possibly even identifiable as a particular character. If you know who I mean, that's obviously the problem. How about separate parts of a generic diamond pattern outfit, with mix and match leggings, tunic, arms, bikini, booties, pennant skirt, gloves, and jester hat, in a couple different color combinations, and leave assembling the costume to us? Then if we want to cosplay with it, it's our own imagination.

19) [SWL] a text adventure version of Conan Chop Chop for the text game terminals in Seoul

In case there still aren't enough people asking, "what do you mean that's a real game?"

Here's a strange thought. Can that text game system link to an external tcp socket, like just for example... a reskinned DIKU MUD in a Conan theme?

20) [AO] skeletal silverhorns

21) [AO] furniture costumes
- like the cardboard box hologram you hide in for one lowbie daily mission, but for refrigerators, couches, tables, etc

22) [both] Consecratrix costume / glamour
- no, Medusae aren't close enough; some folks aren't into the tentacles

23) [AO] masquerade ball / Venetian carnival / domino / lorgnette masks

24) [both] pink and gold and black candy skull print Day of the Dead dress

25) [both] sugar skulls that summon appeased ghosts
- and sugar panties that summon satisfied pervy ghosts? Some Atrox facial expressions are about right.

26) [SWL] bullet bras, or torpedoes, or something along those lines that isn't trademarked

27) [AO] skull shoulderpads like Cyborgs have

28) [both] nose bridge shades like Morpheus wears
- optionally with googly eyes, or bloodshot wide eyes, painted on

29) [AO] skull backpack
- maybe a minibull skull

30) [AO] a leet in a candy corn outfit so nobody will eat him

31) [AO] werewolf mask - with just one head
- like the one SWL has

32) [AO] new candy item that randomly morphs you into one of the Halloween social pets

33) [both] black thorn/vine applique on mesh fabric bralette
- https://www.etsy.com/listing/712604759/ ... -design-on

34) [AO] Duckyboat
- a Mr. Squeaky water vehicle

35) [both] giant Carmen Miranda-style fruit hats

36) [SWL] normal zombie and filth-infected human glamours

37) [AO] zix-in-a-pumpkin pet

38) [both] frog costume
- https://images.fun.com/products/22233/1 ... ostume.jpg
- or a salamander or lizard morph, or anything more frog-like?

39) [AO] Dead Zix-in-a-box wearable as a cardboard box hat
- or a broken robot zix worn as a hat, like a Half-Life headcrab

40) [both] medieval costumes, like knights, troubadors, jesters, courtiers, etc.

41) [both] faceless mask
- white porcelain
- matte black with glowing red eyes
- silver and reflective

42) [AO] Engleet Knnnigghit pet with a mild elderberry scent

43) [SWL] A player NPC

An NCP who started playing The Secret World in 2012 and got so into the alternate reality games that they went out and found the real Kingsmouth and then got locked up in a mental hospital for claiming they were playing a game and this world isn't real and they keep trying to eat a bee but it hasn't worked yet,

"I used to be an adventurer like you, but then I got stuck in this investigation mission. Literally."

44) [SWL] bloody demonic ritual sacrificial dagger, worn between the shoulderblades, or straight through the chest

45) [SWL] blood magic book that heals wielder and defensive target proportional to the damage dealt

46) [SWL] a deployable decoy item that's just a chair.
- 75% chance any targeted effect will target the chair instead, just like all social emotes in TSW used to

47) [AO] tank spanker - like a placard, but instead of the square sign, it's a giant hand on a stick

48) [both] whip that can be equipped off-hand with a pistol, just for looks

49) [both] Animated sword costume
- a fancy shiny broadsword that makes the rest of you invisible so just the sword remains visible

50) [both] myrmelk
- google it

51) [AO] a clown monster that randomly summons either a Swiftwind-sized Mr. Squeaky or a dozen Mr. Squeaky-sized Swiftwinds
- That could be one of the boss monsters of the haunted house.
- Which would you rather fight?

52) [AO] doll-sized mutant decorations, like undead lawn gnomes

53) [AO] a silver hand mirror, broken because AO can't reflect
- when repaired, the broken glass is replaced by a black screen and a "low battery" icon
- apply batteries, like a couple of energy bullets or notum chip or something, and it becomes an error message, "device not found"
- attach a personal camera and the error changes to "no temporal signal"
- then if you combine it with something retrieved from the Temple of Three Winds, like the wine maybe, it finally works, but it will only show you what you will look like the next time you die. And you can't see enough around you to avoid it or tell when it will happen.

54) [AO] ghost ship vehicle

55) [both] pets and costumes and other assorted merchandise from Mutant Year Zero

56) [both] velociraptor mask

57) [both] assorted underwear wearable as a hat

That's all for now. Thanks for reading, and I hope you found something here useful, interesting, or at least amusing. We're looking forward to seeing whatever new goodies, creepies, or sexies the spookytimes bring us this year. Thanks for keeping our favorite games going!

- Jezebelle
GSP Dancer
Posts: 1098
Joined: Fri Jan 22, 2010 5:07 am

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