Halloween 2015 Brainstorming

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Halloween 2015 Brainstorming

Postby Jezebelle » Thu Jul 16, 2015 11:10 am

It's time to collect suggestions for Halloween again! Uncle Pumpkinhead needs time to get all his Mr. Squeakies in a row and get all his clones and nephews to work making new presents to bring to Rubi Ka and taunt us with until we kill him a million times to collect them all... he's a little odd, that one... but who knows how much odder the TSW event might be this year? If you have something strange enough rattling around in your head, maybe you do. Go ahead and suggest it and see what happens. FC probably has their own Halloween lore ideas already, at least in general terms, but they need more every year, so they can always save the ones they like for later.

As usual, I'll be gathering the suggestions in this thread, and after a couple weeks of collecting ideas, GSP Crew and Dancers will vote to pick our top 20 favorites and I'll write those up in more detail, with reference images where necessary, then send them all in for FC's idea pool. AO now has the new engine, even if it's still "beta", so anything goes there, even if it requires new art assets or functionality. Of course, they're still supporting the old engine too, so ideas that work in both are more likely to happen.


Jul 16 - Jul 31: Two weeks of collecting suggestions at parties and here in this thread.

Aug 1 - Aug 15: Two weeks for GSP DJs, Dancers, and Staff vote on their favorite ideas. (vacations happen a lot around this time, so they're often not all available the same week)

Aug 16 - Aug 23: One week for me to sort out and write up the favorite ideas with detailed descriptions and reference images.

Aug 24 - Oct 26: Hopefully, FC will be designing, building, implementing, and testing all the new goodies some time in the two months before the event, wedged in between all the other things they're working on.

Some time around Oct 27 and 28, probably: Events start

Oct 31: Halloween

Now this is a brainstorming thread, so we want lots of ideas to choose from. GSP will be picking favorites for me to write up in detail, but I'll be sending in the whole list, even if some of them are just vague single phrases, because something that didn't strike a chord with us might turn out to give FC a good idea anyway.

Some guidelines for suggestions:

1) Be specific enough that everyone will have roughly the same idea what you mean.

2) Don't infringe on anyone else's Intellectual Property. Ideas inspired by some other game, movie, tv show, or whatever, are fine, as long as they're just oblique references. Using quotes, images, or names that belong to someone else isn't going to happen. The dance emotes in TSW are a good example. They're all recognizable, but not /exactly/ identical to the famous choreography, and they're named something similar, not the actual song title. Except Gangnam Style. Maybe FC legal isn't worried about using that spelling when the game doesn't even know how to spell in Korean?

3) Keep it within the games' ratings, whatever they are in your region. You've all seen the bikinis, thongs, alien toys, and Dragon tantric footrubs, so you know there's still a lot of room to be sexy without getting too explicit.

4) Original new ideas are preferred, but if we still haven't gotten your favorite idea from some previous year, go ahead and suggest it again. Here are links to the previous lists if you want to look something up or just get some inspiration to get the creative juices flowing.

Halloween 2014 Brainstorming

Halloween 2013 Brainstorming

Halloween 2012 Brainstorming

Halloween 2011 Brainstorming

Halloween 2010 Brainstorming
Last edited by Jezebelle on Thu Jul 16, 2015 11:12 am, edited 1 time in total.
GSP Dancer
Posts: 1098
Joined: Fri Jan 22, 2010 5:07 am

Re: Halloween 2015 Brainstorming

Postby Jezebelle » Thu Jul 16, 2015 11:10 am

1) gothic sundress
- like https://www.facebook.com/HorrificFinds/photos/a.133956223441929.26056.133789070125311/534938580010356

2) Bat-winged cat pets

3) black wigs
- Elvira-style big black beehives
- Elvis-style pompadours

4) more tails and wings and ears
- kitty, wolf and fox ears and tails
- quabbit ears for those of us not lucky enough to have a bunnyhat
- butterfly and angel and bat wings for TSW like the ones AO already has, maybe just bat for Halloween, then Angel for Christmas and Butterfly / Fairy for Valentine's
- muzzles too, to go with the wolf and fox especially
- devil tails

5) floating witch on a broomstick
- pet like the Orochi drone in TSW
- shoulderpet like the pirate parrot in AO

6) (AO) an item that makes you dance in a loop
- perhaps something like the Grind Girls do, so you don't have to use an script to keep dancing

7) new emote "cannibalism"
- like cannibalism emote in Fallout 3 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yczJEgJRUO8
- or Skyrim http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NaoRCtRCGGs

8) mushroom hat, like a giant red amanita cap

9) costumes like the Butcher Babies
- black nipple tape
- torn black fishnet stockings
- studded black leather short shorts - WITHOUT the giant skull belt buckles
- matching boots and wristbands
- assorted steel chains

10) /dance_zombie_stare

11) (TSW) Midnight Pumpkin bikini

12) (AO) bring back the “Christmas Tree” medi-blades as wiener roasting forks and make a new medi-blade that looks more like a high tech medical tool than a Sigd that stabbed a can of white paint or a ceremonial dagger carved from a deer antler.

13) purple knee-high boots with fishnets and short shorts
- the knee part is part of the shorts in AO, but in either game this would be two items

14) (TSW) investigation about Lilith with some sexy vampire outfit rewards

15) (TSW) custom sprint with bats flying around you
- maybe you morph into a cloud of bats, or one larger bat with a cloud of smaller ones around you - basically vampire bat sprint

16) Rocky Horror costumes, full cast, and a /dance_timewarp emote to go with them
- maybe even a related investigation in TSW. Perhaps the creepy old mansion that already has a time warp mirror gets invaded by Transexual Transvestites from Transylvania?

17) (TSW) Labyrinth themed mission and costumes
- with mazes and puzzles and assorted cute and creepy monsters
- and gorgeous gothic costume rewards and authentic David Bowie bulge

18) (TSW) goat pet, complete with scream
- might need an option to turn off other people's sound effects and/or mute anyone who's on /ignore to keep that from being used to harass people

19) (TSW) ridable hellhound
- custom sprint animation of riding a hellhound
- it summons a pet hellhound when you cancel sprint and the pet unsummons when you activate sprint

20) Viking leets and Valkyrie leets

21) Jack-o-lantern decorations and/or shoulder lanterns with nice flickering candles to show off the new AO engine's lighting

22) (AO) tattered black dress or raggedy trousers and vest made from Uncle Pumpkinhead's rags

23) (AO) spooky tattered black rags bikini - refers to Uncle Pumpkinhead, but might fit in TSW anyway
- little scythes for the back clasps
- tiny Childhood Memories undead teddy bears hanging from the side ties at the hips
- pumpkin colored thong sandals

24) (AO) easy tradeskill recipes to make baked goods from all those pumpkins we're gonna be breaking
- pumpkin pie, pumpkin bread, pumpkin muffins, pumpkin ravioli, pumpkin chocolate chip cookies,
- toasted pumpkin seeds, pumpkin ale, pumpkin spiced coffee, etc.
- pumpkins filled with clove, nutmeg, and vodka as punch bowls.
- we're gonna need a lot of nutmeg

25) make all the new goodies also buyable in the item shop ala-carte

26) hand held ball of light/fire/anima, for a light source/dancing prop/cool screenshots
- in TSW, held as a non-combat item, like the Torch, possibly with a set of special actions like the flute had, for cycling its color, making it pulse at different rates, or juggling it
- in AO, it could be a social "weapon" hand item, so maybe attacking with it produces a projectile like a fire nano or that Magical Stave of Inferno

27) (AO) "Tour" like the 12 Days of Christmas tours
- pick some spooky locations that show off the new engine well
- send us to those locations to meet some NPC (a Halloween leet, I guess?) and get some present, and/or a clue to what exactly ol' Gourdy's plan really is
- maybe explain the whole event through clues at the tour locations, like the whole reason Uncle puts so much time and effort into producing goodies and clones to bring them to Rubi-Ka, just to fight to the death to keep them, is to find the "most sincere pumpkin patch" hidden somewhere on Rubi Ka and awaken the Great Pumpkinhead, but we keep accidentally thwarting him by mugging him and stealing his offerings
- candidate pumpkin patch locations to search: Avalon outside the castle, Deep Artery Valley?

28) Black thong with fishnet stockings and high heels like the feet of the Play Costume – Fifth Edition
- possibly a whole outfit, like that play costume, but skimpy, maybe a tube top, or a bandeau like the TSW bikini tops, or hey, speaking of TSW, why not pasties?
- (TSW) I'm still hoping there will be a lingerie layer some day that the fishnets will go on

29) (AO) a buff or global event or mission or something that makes you turn into a zombie pumpkin when you're flagged
- not an Uncle Pumpkinhead clone, a pumpkin... maybe rolling around like a rollerrat and spitting seeds?

30) scantily and/or leather clad zombies that hunger for thongs instead of brains

31) (AO) pet medusa
- closest AO has to the pet succubi TSW got last year

32) slinky black dress cut so low and so high it would only stay in place in a game
- the kind of thing Elvira would wear
- would go great with the "big black beehive wig"

33) some kind of many-tentacled creepy stalker pervmonster that might not be actually named Gridfan
- but if it was a summonable AO pet, we would obviously name ours that

34) Pumpkin-frame glasses like the heart frame glasses, but orange and slightly more rounded
- ... and they shoot laser beams? I don't know why they're shooting laser beams. Maybe they're somehow the opposite of Cyclops' sunglasses?

35) blinking, animated black and orange lava lamp hats

36) huge black wings so long they touch the ground behind you
- and so wide they'll be clipping on doorframes all the time

37) (AO) holographic clothing, like a bikini in several completely unrealistic colors that randomly flickers a little
– it wouldn't even have to have straps to hold it on if it's not actually there, so the design could be just as ridiculously unrealistic as the colors

38) a rectangular black "censored" bar that's just painted on

39) cat outfit
– definitely with separate ears and tail accessories, maybe a kitty mask
- tight black leather catsuit, like TSW's Assassinatrix with less pockets and OPTIONAL mask
- maybe an orange tiger striped leotard option, too

40) candy striper and/or naughty nurse outfits

41) (TSW) zebra stripe outfit like AO has

42) grim reaper outfit
- skeletal mask and hands (like actual bones, not black gloves with white bones painted on them)
- long black hooded cloak, maybe something like the Atenist robe
- scythe, a cosmetic prop with some cool visual effect and/or a Reaper's Scythe sword mould

43) mission involving Slenderman in bunny slippers or squeaky clown shoes

44) suspense mission like Passing Pineview Forest
- walking through creepy woods with no monsters to fight, just spooky noises that may or may not be following you, and the more noise you make, the closer they get
- if you run too much or attack anything, they'll definitely hear you
- if they hear you, they'll catch you
- don't let them catch you
- it's a very short, promotional game for that new Wayward Pines show, free on Steam, if you want to try it

45) (AO) TSW wisps in AO if the new engine can handle it

46) (TSW) investigation of where Dante's taco meat actually comes from
– is it humans like we all suspect?
- or rats like in Fallout?
- or fallen giants or dead gods floating through space that we're sent to harvest?
- or just a cow, but there's a complicated conspiracy around creating the myth that the tacos are creepier than they are because a ghoul has to maintain his image?
- or a cow that's drifting through space because a giant dead god threw it at an asteroid, trying to hit Uncle Pumpkinhead but hit an Orochi space shuttle that got in the way instead?
- or a whale that was just coming to grips with the idea of being a whale when suddenly it wasn't any more? Garnished with a highly disappointed, but unsurprised, potted plant?

47) investigation of how many tits it takes to carry a bunch of coconuts

48) (TSW) Atroxes in thongs
- they'd fit in at the London arena just as well as that Heckler

49) (TSW) communist molerats

50) (TSW) Investigation: where do Blajinis actually come from?
- Are they even mammals?
- Could Blajini mating rituals actually be even creepier than the things we're used to seeing in TSW already?
- Would we finally need to add professional psychiatric counselling to the faction service vendors for this mission?

51) (TSW) new sprint animation: taco-powered gaseous personal propulsion with optional flame effects or athletic version

52) (TSW) Sacrifice some innocents to gain demonic powers

53) (TSW) Filth werewolves
- or even creepier – nine-tailed werewolves with some of the tentacles pink instead of black

54) (TSW) knock pedestrians out of the way when driving a motorcycle through them

55) Ghost of Elvis Presley quest (what, you mean he's not working at a 7-11?)
- has to involve Ricky Pagan - even though that would exclude those of use who still can't get to Tokyo
- something to do with spotting a pink caddy in different zones similar to the GK walking about before summoning the golems
- may involve killing a giant un-dead Elvis or something
- possibly by challenging him to a dance battle of Michael Jackson moves?

56) Halloween pinata
– pumpkin, UPH, Death, Reaper, something like that, probably full of rotten candy cherries from 8 years ago

57) waves of zombie leets invading towns
- or possibly anywhere leets normally roam, and biting the normal leets and zombifying them

58) (AO) Spooky hologram toys like the Christmas ones, but Halloween-themed
– bats, smoke, ghosts, shadows, greyscale hologram blast
- spiraling trails of wispy, indistinct shadowy things
- ghostly skulls like that haunted lantern thing in TSW
- extra shadows sprout from the user, like Vashta Nerada, and detach and go chasing others nearby
– UPH shadowforms, like Griefing Uncle Pumpkin-Head, but 100% black (except for the glowing eyes and grin) and 40% opaque, so just a giant 3d shadow - with eyes
- eremite jumps out of nowhere , but doesn't attack, just scares everyone
- UPH shadowbreed

59) blood fountain fireworks

60) (TSW) flares that shoot bats and event bags with bats flying out of them instead of the flowers

61) glitter handprints applied to the buttocks
- or a hawt red handprints
– bonus points if we can apply them to others

62) rainbow bunnytail speedo, just for DJ Azuca

63) 50's style outfits with poodle skirts and all
- http://www.costumesupercenter.com/women ... oodle.html

64) (TSW) permanent anima wings as back/coat clothing item claimable by GM accounts for their free item of the month

65) (TSW) glitter trail sprint
- or glitter tail works too, if you misread that

66) (TSW) craft our extra leftover scarves into a noose big enough to hang a golem with and break down the flare guns into enough metal to build a gallows tall enough and sturdy enough to use it, resulting in reusable golem traps for each zone on each server

67) (TSW) dress up the golems for the event, whatever the new Halloween story is
- for example, for this past anniversary, the frozen one should have had a boho scarf, and the forest one should have worn tie-dye

68) (TSW) a giant anthropomorphized flare gun golem for Halloween that explodes and kills everyone in rifle range when it gets down to 10k health.
- And anyone killed by the attack would not get a gift bag as a quest reward but a flare gun inscribed with "run faster" to commemorate the event.
- Which everyone would hate until the Flare Gun is revealed to be the next aux weapon.
- And then they'll hate it even more again when, after most of the flares have been fired, deleted, or recycled into golem traps for the next Golden Week or Anniversary, the remaining Anniversary flares from this past event turn into yellow-framed special tier (Third Age) Heroic aux weapons that were only obtainable through the 2015 anniversary event.

69) Grinning Spectre bikini (dark purple with black strings and a grin-shaped glow that fades in and out)

70) shiny little retro sci-fi outfits
- skimpy silver lycra bodysuits or leotards
- metallic bikinis under white string dresses (see FB post)
- silver jumpsuits with electric blue stripes and holographic displays on the wrist

71) Sasquatch costume
- bandolier and bowcaster sold separately

72) Golden Golem / Gatekeeper costume
– or golden armor with wires and a battery pack to produce experimental plasma shields – some Orochi early attempt at reverse-engineering Aegis
– they probably scrapped it because looking like a protocol droid didn't help their image any

73) (AO) Phasefront Hawking – hoverchair with neck brace and optical controls and holographic displays

74) Bulky and bulgey white costume armor that looks impressive but only attracts more blaster fire
- totally not a Storm Trooper
- maybe it's a Squall Trooper from Space Janitors, though

75) Little Red Riding Hood dress – for men, too.

76) pet full grown leopards and panthers and tigers
- maybe lynxes and ocelots, if you want to go with something not quite that big

77) (TSW) “pet” creepy Japanese kids like something from The Grudge or The Ring

78) pet bunny that occasionally checks a pocket watch and scampers off
- may come back sipping tea or chased by playing cards

79) (TSW) TSWRP collectable trading cards with player characters and powers as in-game tradable items

80) (TSW) Ak'ab mount custom sprint
- maybe it creeps forward and lunges ahead to average out to sprint speed, but I think that would make me seasick
- then again, it's an ak'ab - watching someone else ride it around would probably make me feel sick

81) (TSW) rollerblade sprint

82) (TSW) Nermegal panther mount
– full grown panther sized spooky kitty, that randomly teleports you to another plane for a few seconds

83) Guy Fawkes mask

84) (TSW) a mask like "Darkness" from the movie "Legend", but without the horns so it doesn't look /too/ similar, until we combine it with Hel's horns
- (AO) maybe just a big "devil" mask that looks vaguely like that, but close enough it might remind you of that movie if you haven't seen it in 15 years, pretty much like 90% of the common "devil" images, anwyay

85) multicolored knit hats with pompoms - as close to Jayne hats as you can get

86) Space Cowboy costumes, enough to dress up your whole team as the Serenity crew for Halloween

87) a guitar that's a replica "guaranteed to contain at least three slivers from the original, preserved in actual space station alloys" from that International Space Station guitar Commander Chris Hadfield played Space Oddity on

88) Spear of Sudden But Inevitable Betrayal – actually a big steel atrox-sized I-beam, worn right through the chest slot

89) cheerleader outfits with pompoms

90) (AO) “No Panties” placard
- please /also/ make this available in Arete Landing so we can dance around Patrick Sun with it, smacking him in the head on every twirl
- alternate text it changes to when right-clicked: "Help! Help! There's a perv in my soup!"

91) (AO) dancing skeleton shoulder lantern
- like the dancing skeleton toy, but instead of just spawning for a few seconds, it hovers over your shoulder, glowing and dancing, until you unequip it

92) cowbells
- I gotta have more cowbell, baby!
- Guess what? I got a fever, and the only prescription, is more cowbell!

93) (AO) more swirls and clouds and generally varying density of Uncle Pumpkinhead's fog instead of the general darkening - show us what that new engine can do with creepy lighting

94) (AO) more separation of the loot tables among different pumpkins (wilderness, old skool phats, dolls and lanterns, some new event), as long as there are enough of each, not a dozen pumpkins on a playfield all wiped out by the first NT to fly by, with a 4 hour respawn

95) (AO) black roses growing in the places Uncle roams and pickable like Carbonrich Rocks
- holdable props that turn into holdable decorations like the action figures when combined with a vase
- the more of them you place in your apartment, the more black fog you get in your apartment

96) (AO) body glitter nano that just makes surface sparkles instead of the thick glowing aura of shields
- and is contagious so anyone in close proximity gets a lesser amount of glitter on them for a shorter time
- if TSW gets this, it should be on the tattoo or lingerie layer, which I'm sure you're secretly working on, but if you're not ready to announce it, save it for then

97) pet fairies
- (AO) like tiny Opifex agents (from when all good agents were really tiny) with butterfly wings and pastel bikinis, that hover and dance on your shoulder
- (TSW) like Luella magically shrunk to pocket size and fluttering around like an Orochi sphere, maybe even throwing pixie dust around, if that's not too Tinkerbell

98) AoE trippy mushroom
- (AO) psychedelic glowing mushroom shoulder lamp with laser shows and moire interference effects and whatever other fantastical lighting the new engine can throw from it
- (TSW) decoration with mild hallucinogenic effects in vicinity, like everyone around just got a good whiff of spores from some of the really cool mushrooms, but not a whole dose

99) Mushroom pet that looks like a random wild mushroom until it stands up to run after you when you move

100) Halloween Lava Lamps
- (AO) Rocket Lamp style lava lamps with black blobs in orange liquid, and ANIMATED like the ones in ICC's arrival hall
- (TSW) Like the lava lamps we just got for Anniversary, dressed up and/or colored for Halloween

101) (AO) Make sure there are Halloween leets and whatever new NPC introduces the new Halloween event in ICC as well as all the major cities

102) (AO) Broken bottles, perhaps the same fake blood, bad brew and pumpkin juice bottles, but empty, broken, and sharp, for 2-2 damage

103) carvable pumpkins
- (AO) like the snowman parts - found as whole or mostly whole pumpkins and a candle and carving knife (or use any of the various Survival Knives?) and each time you combing the pumpkin with the knife, it changes to a jack-o-lantern with a different face, sorted by amount carved, and then you add the candle to make a jack-o-lantern decoration
- (AO) or combine a pumpkin, a scary/spooky/creepy/funny/goofy stencil, a knife, and a candle, in that order
- (TSW) one stack of pumpkins and one stack of pumpkin carving kits and the orientation in the crafting table determines the appearance of the resulting jack-o-lantern, and another stack of optional candles to light them

104) leets with lasers like the laser raptors in Kung Fury

105) (TSW) a hex mark that opens a trans-dimensional dance floor rift under OOC NPCs so we can kick them into it while shouting, “This! Is! Ealdwich!”

106) classic Dracula makeup / hairstyles
- perhaps other famous old movie monsters so archetypal they're public domain
- (TSW) or separate parts that we can combine to approximate classic monsters, like neck bolts and green makeup and square hair

107) (TSW) a pet squirrel that reacts to getting zapped by the Orochi drones by leaping up on top of them and riding them around, chittering like a fuzzy cowboy, until they crash

108) (TSW) broom sprint, even if it only works during the event
- (AO) Phasefront broomstick - I think this already exists, but very few have it

109) Scarlett Johansson succubus pet

110) some non-campy /clubdance

111) extra campy backstreet boys choreography, like https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y-M4o-5IYwo

112) (TSW) Past Halloween emotes buyable alacarte in the shop and a bundle of emotes from all the past events

113) (TSW) spider earrings

114) (TSW) pentagram earrings

115) new balloons
- Halloween colors
- yalm shapes
- extra humongous sizes
- balloon backpack – floating an inch or so behind your back and tied to your belt
- Balloons pet with Mr. Squeaky balloons
- eyeball balloons – like the “Eye Guy” masks floating around, with or without top hat
- Mr. Squeaky in a “hot air balloon” basket suspended from balloons
- Mr. Squeaky shoulder balloon
- a particle effect like the Holiday Holograms that inflates a series of balloons, and they each overfill and pop, with an explosion of lasers like the Holiday Hologram Burst
- thrown water balloon like the snowball nano
- muffin balloon

116) (AO) Aiken's Balloon Throne – a Phasefront Loungemaster - Ndenjese lifted an extra foot off the ground by a large number of small balloons tied to it

117) more colors of Mysterious Cloak

118) frog suit – green and white suit with a big froggy helmet with huge eyes

119) Hitchhiker's Guide-themed mission
- black ships with black display panels full of black buttons with black lettering that lights up black to let you know you've pushed it
- hand-held towels, especially for AO
- 42 peanuts and a pint of beer
- a fish you need to remove from your ear before a monster in a demolition crew uniform finishes reading poetry at you
- a lethal virus spread by dirty telephones, leaving the fate of the human race in the hands of professional telephone sanitizers - but in the more contemporary usage, with personal cellphones, that's more likely to be a computer virus spread through smart phones that whispers some Black Signal kind of neuro-linguistic hack (a la Snow Crash)

120) Banshees
- really pale Irish dead girls, so pale they're almost as transparent as their nighties, and then they scream your head off

121) a suit that makes it look like you are on fire
- animated magical or holographic flames, not just sparkly auras
- possibly with a choice of different color flame effects

122) scary clown suit
- Pennywise is the obvious example, but his suit was just ordinary creepy, like all clowns are creepy, and we already have a normal clown suit, in AO anyway
– something dirty and bloody, possibly with cyborg/zombie bits, and a mask with too many big, pointy teeth and smudged makeup and wide crazy eyes, like http://giphy.com/gifs/realitytvgifs-ame ... nOGAXVSTUk

123) (AO) solo version of Entvine/Enigma challenge with different rewards and separate timer

124) (AO) skull shoulderpads

125) voodoo poppet doll
- like http://www.strangeling.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/fairyvoodoo.jpg

126) Collectable GSP dolls
– the Vallikat one must have the muffin, Captain's suger-free rum, and a whip

127) blood red slinky dress with "blood drip" fringe at the hem
- where the "drips" would be of uneven lengths like https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/57/8d/39/578d394a41071fae6de772bba248cfba.jpg
- or that skirt as a separate skirt with this for the top: http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/img-thing?.out=jpg&size=l&tid=12361625

128) (AO) kitty dolls, like Predator plushies

129) (AO) curled up sleeping kitty shoulderpad

130) backpacks and vehicles shaped like the various advy morphs we can no longer cast on others
- morph into a wolf, riding a dragon, with a kitty riding on your back

131) big red hammer
- the one from Valentine's Day with even more blood
- or a big bright red cartoonish one
- maybe matching daggers, swords, and axes too

132) skull-themed maracas, like for Day of the Dead

133) (AO) skull candies (consumables) like the ones TSW gets
- healing/nano replenishment, like a Recharger you don't have to sit down to use - but only fires once if used in combat
- or like a Weird Cherry with a different set of morphs and some minor buff, like a +10 AAO to go with the AAD buff on the cherries

134) (TSW) skull candles (decorations) like the ones AO gets

135) (TSW) bar server / butler pets like AO's barleet
- Orochi drones with trays that go around delivering drinks instead of zapping people's pets
- a tuxedo butler shem (and maybe a golden version, wearing a shem-sized version of that golden tuxedo)
- a draug lord puppy with a bow tie and a tray

136) (TSW) Grumpy Nermegal merch
(I don't know how to make that Grumpy Cat expression visible on a black cat, but if you can think of a way...)
- tee shirts
- sweatshirts
- backpacks
- plushies like the teddy bears
- hats with ears, tentacles, and a frown
- nightshirts
- Grumpy Displacer Cat pet

137) Some sexy goth corsetry, like pretty much anything modeled by Threnody in Velvet
- seriously, I couldn't even pick one
- just flip through some of the photos on her page and one of them is sure to reach out and grab your collar and say, "Yes. This. We should do something like this."

138) assorted mix and match Halloween bikinis (and boxers) in traditional Halloween motifs
- candy corn
- bats
- skulls
- skull and crossbones
- vampire fangs

139) miniature Heckler pet
- Shem of the Shadowy Brink

140) martial arts gi
- something for martial artists and Kung Fu / Karate Kid halloween costumes, that looks more like terry cloth sweatpants and less like monk robes

141) explain why TSW lawns are so well manicured, even in zombie-infested areas
- demonically possessed lawnmowers, Christine-style
- zombie cows
- were-cows, or were-sheep
- normal goats

142) (AO) working wings
- angel wings free to claim in the item shop (some folks keep missing them at Anniversary)
- combine the jetpack with the angel, fairy, demon/dragon/bat wings to get a set of wings that grants flight just like the jetpack if it's in a Clothing slot, but if you don't have the skill you can still wear it social.
- make sure the jetpack isn't CONSUMED in that process, as we can only claim one, and might want to use it on all our wings and still keep the jetpack for other costumes
Last edited by Jezebelle on Sat Aug 01, 2015 11:04 pm, edited 30 times in total.
GSP Dancer
Posts: 1098
Joined: Fri Jan 22, 2010 5:07 am

Re: Halloween 2015 Brainstorming

Postby Jezebelle » Thu Jul 16, 2015 11:11 am

Seriously? There's still room in that first list post? Guess I'll use this one to just tack some stuff from previous years on the end.

143) gothic/tribal/gypsy fusion dance emotes
- Of course, I'd rather this just be available to all, but if you're determined to give us new dances as event rewards, Halloween is a good time for this one
- Bellydancing animations are clearly beyond the scope of either engine, as they would involve moving parts that just aren't jointed. There are some dance moves in the gothic/tribal/gypsy fusion range that would be possible and would go really well with some of the music GSP plays that current dance emotes just don't fit. And of course, they need the right outfit to match, which would be the Halloween part.
- http://elegantcuriosities.com/wp-conten ... ss-bra.png
- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=--w6LPN-Zto
- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3tr38hjCgnQ

144) spiderweb minidress and/or bikini
- http://forums.gridstream.org/forums/download/file.php?id=5181&mode=view
- http://forums.gridstream.org/forums/download/file.php?id=5182&mode=view

145) typical fantasy MMO armor *costumes*
- the unrealistically skimpy stuff that leaves no doubt what kind of fantasy it is, but with realistically negligible defense values
- chainmail bikini
- seductive sorceress teddy
- barbarian loincloths
- Roman gladiator "armor"
- Roman soldier armor: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lorica_segmentata

146) orange boots with black laces, or straps, to match the orange striped tights and Midnight Pumpkin Bikini
- or black boots with orange laces
- or black high heels with pumpkin-colored ribbon ties

147) (TSW) underbust corset and strategically positioned long wig
- http://inspirink.files.wordpress.com/20 ... .jpg?w=571

148) (TSW) make Zombie Powder cause nearby zombies to act like they're wearing the Shoes of Synchronicity and join in the /zombie_strut

149) purple hotpants and matching tied top

150) "Black Rose" version of Miiir's Cream Rose outfit

151) fix the French Maid Miniskirt of Xtronica Entertainment
- pointlessly tiny apron, microskirt, ruffled / lacy panties, garters (belt being pretty much the only thing hidden by the skirt) , black fishnet stockings, and black high heels
- instead of that thigh glitch they've had forever

152) broomstick skirts

153) Hellhound Cheerleet

154) cybergoth-style respirator/gas mask

155) assorted mix and match other less Halloween-specific bikinis (and boxers)
- cherry pie
- Mr. Squeaky
- Kyr'Ozch
- frogs
- fig leaf

*** late additions that should probably go on next year's list, since the voting was half done when this was suggested

156) bat bracelet like http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/img-thing?.out=jpg&size=l&tid=7535136

157) Cthuleet pet
Last edited by Jezebelle on Mon Aug 17, 2015 9:45 pm, edited 6 times in total.
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Re: Halloween 2015 Brainstorming

Postby Kermie » Thu Jul 16, 2015 6:28 pm

wow... is it that time again really?
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Re: Halloween 2015 Brainstorming

Postby Draysek » Tue Jul 21, 2015 5:23 pm

I thought up some ghost of Elvis Presley quest idea (of course it involved Ricky Pagan) while I was taking a shower the other day, but before I wrote down the finer details of it, I kinda forgot. Something to do with spotting a pink caddy in different zones similar to the GK walking about before summoning the golems for the last event. And then we get to kill giant un-dead Elvis or something. I think it might have sounded better in my head, though.
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Re: Halloween 2015 Brainstorming

Postby Jezebelle » Sat Aug 01, 2015 9:10 pm

Not much submitted here, but plenty of suggestions at parties. I think 155 is our biggest list yet, by a wide margin. Of course, you can still post more ideas now that the voting has already started, but late additions might not get a fair vote. They'll still be on the final list, though. I'll post the final list here when I send it in, after two weeks of voting and one of researching and writing up the results.
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the final list I just sent off

Postby Jezebelle » Mon Aug 24, 2015 7:52 am

Dear Michizure, and everyone else involved with Halloween content,

We've been busily brainstorming for you as usual, and came up with even more ideas than ever. The GSP DJs, staff, and Dancers helped me put these in order to choose which to write a little more about, but the list came from lots of different folks who came to the GSP shows in both AO and TSW. I didn't get much response from asking on FaceBook and Twitter, but I guess most of the people who follow me are GSP listeners anyway. There's a LOT here, and good stuff throughout the list, so I'll just get on with it.

1) hand held ball of light/fire/anima, for a light source/dancing prop/wizard costume/cool screenshots

You know how wizards in fantasy books and movies and paper RPGs always have this simple "Light" cantrip to produce a hand-held glowing ball of magic about the size of an orange? Like these:

- http://aeon--soul.deviantart.com/art/Th ... -391244831
- http://www.creativeuncut.com/gallery-23 ... izard.html

We should have that in AO and TSW. AoC probably should too, but not everyone there has magic, and these suggestions focus on AO and TSW because those are the two the GSP shows happen at.

In TSW, this could be held as a non-combat item, like the Torch, possibly with a set of special actions like the flute had, for cycling its color or element (red, orange, green, or blue fire, purple-white electricity, yellow like the light of an anima well, etc.), or making it pulse at different rates, or juggling it.

In AO, it could be the size and shape of those hand-held "giant pollen" things, but glowing and emitting "fire" particles. And if it's hand-held, it counts as a "weapon", so maybe attacking with it produces a projectile like a fire nano or that Magical Stave of Inferno, like a wizard forming a ball of fire and then throwing off bits of it while holding on to the source one. Not that it would really do much, but it would look cool. Again, multiple color/element options would be a nice bonus.

2) gothic sundress

Yeah, I know, that sounds like it should be an oxymoron, but it's not. It's just a lacy black version of the sundresses we already have in TSW, or like the purple Anniversary Play Suit #3 in AO, with a gothy print of skulls, fangs, roses, or some such. Like this:

- http://metalbabemayhem.com/wp-content/u ... dress1.jpg

3) more tails and wings and ears

We love the bunny suit in TSW. Thanks! Not everyone is thrilled with everything about the design, of course. The thong back and straight neckline are usually what draw the comments about wishing it was just a little different, but there's always something. We still wear it and we still want more.

- kitty, wolf and fox ears and tails - AO's catgirl morph is great, but it's a rare consumable commodity, so we hardly ever see it. Separate ears on a headband, like the Valentine's Day antennae or just sprouting out of the head like the devil horns, would be nice, so we could keep our own head and still be kitty.
- quabbit ears for those of us not lucky enough to have an "Aspect of the Quabbit" bunnyhat (probably just for AO... unless you want to add pet quabbits to TSW?)
- butterfly and angel and bat wings for TSW like the ones AO already has - maybe just bat for Halloween, then Angel for Christmas and Butterfly / Fairy for Valentine's Day
- muzzles too, to go with the wolf and fox especially (I'm not sure if that would work in AO, but it should be no problem in TSW)
- devil tails (we already have the horns in both games, but TSW could use a pitchfork)

4) Viking leets and Valkyrie leets

Cute little horned helmets and armor vests, maybe a tiny round cardboard shield and a little cheese slicer of an axe strapped to their backs. Blonde braids and shiny gold and white bustier for Cheerleet. Nothing too accurate, just iconic / stylized / stereotypical costumes.

5) cat outfits

Related to #3, some whole cat outfits, preferably in mix and match pieces, to go with the separate kitty ears and tail accessories. Panthers are usually the first to come to mind, a Catwoman-style catsuit - tight black leather or velvet, about the same design as AO's Rubber Catsuit, but darker and less shiny, or TSW's Assassinatrix with less pockets, and OPTIONAL mask. That's the easy one. Just please make sure the catsuit top in AO also matches well with either the Bunny or Entertainer legs, so we can use those for a fishnet stocking option. The Split Velvet outfit is a nice, panthery black and pretty close to Bunny. A shade between those two would be just about perfect.

A little kitty mask with whiskers, maybe a black nose, and that upturned black flick around the eyes would be a nice optional detail. After panther, a tiger striped leotard option, or a leopard bikini, would also be great. Or cheetah, or ocelot, or calico, or even Disney-style Cheshire cat. Any cat, really.
- http://www.yandy.com/Sexy-Tigress-Costume.php
- http://www.yandy.com/Pouncing-Tiger.php
- http://www.lingeriediva.com/sexy-costum ... assion-set
- http://www.amiclubwear.com/costume-anim ... opard.html

There are plenty more "cute" or "sexy" costumes I could link to examples of, but I saw a great balance of "cute and sexy" in a game called Sakura Clicker recently. It's a simple free clicker game on Steam and it has a variety of anime girls in "monster" outfits, four of which are varieties of cats. The visual style is totally different from AO or TSW, but the balance of cute and sexy is perfect for a kitty cat outfit. I know a lot of us aren't fans of the paw mittens, but as long as they're a separate item, it's all good. There are random variations in the outfits, but the ones in this guide are generally indicative of the style.
- https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/ ... =491266067

This, I think, is an attempt to do something like that on RK4, but it's not quite right. It's a good try, but maybe you guys can do better?
- http://www.voguequeen.com/p/cute-rose-r ... 64571.html

6) purple knee-high boots with fishnets and short shorts

Kinda like this Madonna outfit, but with even taller boots, and shorts or hotpants instead of the leotard, but roughly this style:
- http://content.hollywire.com/sites/defa ... ards_1.jpg

The knee part should be tall enough to be part of the shorts in AO, like the fret outfits. Hopefully there will be a lingerie layer in TSW some day and the fishnets can be in that slot. A matching tied top, like AO's Play Costume - Fourth Edition, or TSW's cowgirl shirt (but not plaid) would complete the outfit well.

7) make all the new goodies also buyable in the item shop ala-carte

There were sooo many scarves. There are still sooo many scarves. Once we've bought, traded, and/or earned all the rares from an event and have more extra common and uncommon items than we can hold, it becomes very tedious to keep trying to get the one or two epic or heroic items we really want. Apparently, many of us would like the option of just outright buying what we're having no luck finding randomly. Especially those of us with a shortage of gaming time to earn Bullion and Pax.

8) cheerleader outfits with pompoms

I don't think that really needs any further explanation, other than what team they're cheering for. Of course, asking at a GSP party, the answer "GridStream!" always comes up, at least as a joke. I'd be okay with that, as an option at least. GridStream's orange and silver/white on black do make good uniform colors. But let's just assume that was a joke.

Sports teams already established in the game lore would make more sense. There are ten "Zigball" teams in AO and the "Hexxers" and "Orochi Black Sox" in TSW. Something at Innsmouth Academy, I think? Quidditch probably? That's still only three, and none of them even play the same sport. I guess there's always the Red, Green, Blue, and Purple teams. Similarly, AO's Red and Blue battlestation teams would work, and might be more recognizable to many players.

For either game, just one basic generic cheerleader outfit design would be fine, in the various team colors, maybe with the logo on the back. The little triangular Zigball Banners with just the color and logo, not the team name, are what I'm looking at for reference.

The pompoms would be a separate item (or a nano? but how would we choose the color?), but should come in the same choices of colors. I know they wouldn't animate quite like real pompoms, certainly not in AO, but maybe if they emitted one particle that looked just like them, but slightly smaller (they're round, so a circular sprite would do it) at their current location and no velocity, that should look something like inertia when they're moved around, right?

9) (AO) Spooky hologram toys like the Christmas "Holiday Holograms", but Halloween-themed

We had a whole bunch of different ideas for what would make a good Halloween Hologram, but most of them aren't already in game as nano effects. Some of these might be cool enough to be worth implementing, though, especially if you're thinking of some spooky new dungeon that might use them again.

- clouds of bats, smoke, ghosts, or shadowy streaks and wisps exploding away from the user
- greyscale hologram blast
- slowly spiraling trails of wispy, indistinct shadowy things
- ghostly skulls like that "Spirit Toro" haunted lantern thing in TSW
- extra shadows sprout from the user, on the ground like Vashta Nerada, and detach and go chasing others nearby
- UPH shadowforms, like Griefing Uncle Pumpkin-Head, but 100% black (except for the glowing eyes and grin) and 40% opaque, so just a giant 3d shadow - with eyes
- eremite jumps out of nowhere, but doesn't attack, just jump-scares everyone
- UPH shadowbreed, complete with evil cackle

10) black thong with fishnet stockings and high heels

We have several outfits in AO with black fishnet stockings now, and two different black thongs, but no option to wear those together. Thigh-high stockings would probably be best, but it could even go all the way up and be a black thong over a fishnet body stocking. In AO, the boot part should also have the stockings, with high heels, like the feet of the Play Costume - Fifth Edition.

Like these:
- http://www.amazon.com/Dreamgirl-Womens- ... B000ZHLZFW?
- http://www.3wishes.com/lingerie/corsets ... gerie-set/

For a TSW version of this, until we have a lingerie layer, maybe the thong and fishnets should be one leg item that goes all the way down to the toes? Then we can still put shoes on over it. Maybe later they could move to the lingerie layer?

A full bodystocking version would have a top half, too. And something opaque to appease the censors. Maybe a tube top, or a bandeau like the TSW bikini tops, or hey, speaking of TSW, why not pasties? Under the bodystocking, of course. Or some lacy design in the bodystocking that's opaque enough where necessary, like Shade tattoos. There are lots of ways that could go:

- http://www.yandy.com/Black-Fishnet-Bodystocking.php
- http://www.yandy.com/Strappy-Shoulder-L ... ocking.php
- http://www.yandy.com/Lace-Front-Bodystocking-1424.php
- http://www.yandy.com/Scroll-Patterned-Bodystocking.php

11) Collectible GSP dolls

This one was definitely supposed to be a joke, but then a footnote was added that the Vallikat one must have both the AO Chocolate Chip Muffin and Captain's Sugar-Free Rum she's known for always dancing with as well as her whip from TSW. That might not be the only reason it got voted so high, but I still don't think anyone thinks this is likely.

12) (TSW) investigation about Lilith with some sexy vampire outfit rewards

I haven't gotten to that part of the TSW story yet, so I didn't want to research exactly what that's about and spoil it. Apparently there should be more about Lilith to investigate? I'm sure you guys can come up with some more stories about her, if you haven't already. And you would know better than I what sort of sexy vampire outfit would be relevant for that sort of mission. Just make sure that if this is a new Halloween mission, it will be available again every year for those of us who haven't reached that point yet.

13) grim reaper outfit

You know the common image, a long, black hooded cloak over a skeletal figure with a scythe. Something like the TSW Atenist robe or the AO Reapers have the cloak right already. They just need a skeletal mask and hands. A solid white plastic bone mask and gauntlets, not black gloves with white bones painted on them. And the scythe. A cosmetic prop with some cool visual effect and/or a Reaper's Scythe sword mould. You can't be a proper reaper without the scythe.

14) Rocky Horror costumes, full cast, and a /dance_timewarp emote to go with them

So, what happened to that /dance_timewarp we heard about many moons ago? Didn't you already mocap that? Halloween would be a great time for that to drop. Gotta make sure it's compatible with the Shoes of Synchronicity in TSW, though. Doing the pelvic thrust out of sync can get awkward.

Costumes for the full cast to go with it, too. They don't have to be exact replicas, if that's an IP concern. I don't see how it could be, with all the college students dressing up in those costumes every Saturday at midnight in theaters in every college town, but it should be safe to just have some generic costume parts that are close enough to be recognizable in the right combinations, right?

It would also make a fun new Halloween investigation in TSW. Perhaps the Frankenstein place... I mean Franklin mansion, that already has a time warp mirror, gets invaded by Transexual Transvestites from Transylvania?

15) Hellhound Cheerleet

This is a reference to Tarryk's "GridStream Conundrums" skits, wherein Yxxil, Demon Lord of Hate and Anger, visits the pet store to obtain a hellhound familiar, as befits his station. Of course, all they sell is leets, so he purchases the nano, summons one, and attempts to train it to act like a hellhound. Unfortunately, the pet he summoned was Cheerleet. He tried to train her to growl anyway. It was both hilarious and disturbing.

So what does a Hellhound Cheerleet look like? I imagine she'd wear excessive stereotypical goth makeup and a spiked black leather dog collar and a black leather corset or bustier with superfluous rivets and zippers. And a black and silver tail pom-pom that looks like a Nerf spiked mace head. And black booties with red and silver "claws" painted on them.

16) gothic/tribal/gypsy fusion dance emotes

Proper bellydancing animations are clearly beyond the scope of either engine, as they would involve moving parts that just aren't jointed, but there are some dance moves in the gothic/tribal/gypsy fusion range that would be possible and would go really well with some of the music GSP plays that current dance emotes just don't fit. This style and tempo of dance fills a void in our current selection.

- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=--w6LPN-Zto ( the style and tempo is almost exactly what I mean, but it's too dark to see well )
- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ux2cFJKJ7KY ( better lighting, good movement, not too far outside what the animation system should be able to do )
- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AqdKeZACjCs ( particularly the slower, sinuous, langourous parts, but a little hip shake is always good, too )
- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9JyPGy411xM ( a bit too much of the belly moves and the jarring pop and lock, but otherwise a good example )

And of course, they need the right outfit to match, which would also be good for Halloween. Those above are all good outfits, but I was thinking something more like this:
- http://elegantcuriosities.com/wp-conten ... ss-bra.png

17) blood red slinky dress with "blood drip" fringe at the hem

A "drips" hem of uneven lengths would work in TSW, but maybe it would have to be just a black skirt with an uneven red design on it in AO.
Something like this skirt:
- https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/23 ... 48cfba.jpg

Either extended to a full dress or as a separate skirt with this on top:
- http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/img-thing?. ... d=12361625

Or... AO could handle a microskirt with a "drips" fringe at the sides over a black thong. That would bit the basic pants mesh. It would be pretty sexy with that top, too.

18) some kind of many-tentacled creepy stalker pervmonster

Probably not /actually/ named Gridfan, but if it was a summonable AO pet, we would obviously name ours that. Maybe it's something like a Draug Lord Puppy, but greener, creepier, and ... stalkery-er? Maybe it sneaks up on girls nearby and summons a camera from hammerspace to take photos from embarassing angles, or squishes up behind them and caresses their ankles with its tentacles. I think this was supposed to be a joke, too, but it would work. I could totally see various creepy tentaclemonsters picking up some naughty habits from the seedier bits of Tokyo. They like subways, right? I've heard about what happens in Japanese subways. Just please don't let them near the hentai DVDs.

19) 50's style outfits with poodle skirts and all

Think "Grease" or "Happy Days" costumes. Something to wear to a "sock hop". Specifically a pink poodle skirt.
- http://www.costumesupercenter.com/women ... oodle.html

20) pet fairies

In AO, they'd be like tiny Opifex agents, with butterfly wings and pastel or "Deep Ocean" bikinis, that hover and dance on your shoulder. Like having one of those short-lived dancing dolls, but slightly smaller, permanently dancing just above your shoulder like a lantern. They could even work as lanterns, glowing or sparkling a little.

In TSW, they would be like Luella magically shrunk to pocket size and fluttering around like an Orochi sphere, maybe even throwing pixie dust at people and other pets, if that's not too Disney. Maybe the cats even jump up and try to catch her and get temporarily morphed into leets. Maybe that would explain why there are leets in TSW. Fairies did it.

21) Grinning Spectre bikini
- like the Midnight Pumpkin, but dark purple to match the Mysterious Cloak, with black trim and strings and a grin-shaped light purple glow that fades in and out

22) (AO) "Tour" event like the 12 Days of Christmas tours
- pick some spooky locations that show off the new engine well
- send us to those locations to meet some NPC (a Halloween leet, I guess?) and get some present, and/or a clue to what exactly ol' Gourdy's plan really is
- maybe explain the whole event through clues at the tour locations
- my personal theory: Uncle Pumpkinhead lives on an asteroid that comes within range for him to jump to Rubi-Ka once a year (no fall damage, from ANY height) and the whole reason Uncle puts so much time and effort into producing goodies and making so many clones to bring them to Rubi-Ka, just to fight to the death to keep them, is to find the "Most Sincere Pumpkin Patch" hidden somewhere on Rubi Ka and awaken the Great Pumpkinhead, but we keep accidentally thwarting him by mugging him and stealing his offerings
- candidate pumpkin patch locations to search: Avalon outside the castle, Deep Artery Valley?... nobody could think of any more, but there must be some?

23) (AO) pet medusa
- closest AO has to the pet succubi TSW got last year

24) candy striper and/or naughty nurse outfits

25) (TSW) investigation of where Dante's taco meat actually comes from
- is it humans like we all suspect?
- or rats like in Fallout?
- or fallen giants or dead gods floating through space that we're sent to harvest?
- or just a cow, but there's a complicated conspiracy around creating the myth that the tacos are creepier than they are because a ghoul has to maintain his image?
- or a cow that's drifting through space because a giant dead god threw it at an asteroid, trying to hit Uncle Pumpkinhead but hit an Orochi space shuttle that got in the way instead?
- or a whale that was just coming to grips with the idea of being a whale when suddenly it wasn't any more? Garnished with a highly disappointed, but unsurprised, potted plant?

26) blood fountain fireworks

27) classic Dracula makeup / hairstyles
- perhaps other famous old movie monsters so archetypal they're public domain
- (TSW) or separate parts that we can combine to approximate classic monsters, like neck bolts and green makeup and square hair

28) Jack-o-lantern decorations and/or shoulder lanterns with nice flickering candles to show off the new AO engine's lighting

29) waves of zombie leets invading towns
- or possibly anywhere leets normally roam, and biting the normal leets and zombifying them

30) pet full grown leopards and panthers and tigers
- maybe lynxes and ocelots, if you want to go with something not quite that big
- no, definitely ocelots - they're gorgeous cats and the world needs more of them. All the worlds need more of them.

31) shiny little retro sci-fi outfits
- skimpy silver lycra bodysuits or leotards
- metallic bikinis under white string dresses - http://www.funkysexywear.com/String-Net ... _4008.html
- silver jumpsuits with electric blue stripes and holographic displays on the wrist

32) (AO) an item that makes you dance in a loop
- perhaps something like the Grind Girls do, so you don't have to use a script to keep dancing

33) Guy Fawkes mask

34) Little Red Riding Hood dress - for men, too.

35) Halloween pinata
- pumpkin, UPH, Death, Reaper, something like that, probably full of rotten candy cherries from 8 years ago

36) huge black wings so long they touch the ground behind you
- and so wide they'll be clipping on doorframes all the time

37) suspense mission like Passing Pineview Forest
- walking through creepy woods with no monsters to fight, just spooky noises that may or may not be following you, and the more noise you make, the closer they get
- if you run too much or attack anything, they'll definitely hear you
- if they hear you, they'll catch you
- don't let them catch you
- it's a very short promotional game for Wayward Pines, free on Steam, if you want to try it

38) costumes like the Butcher Babies
Specifically from when they were still wearing nipple tape for live shows:
- black nipple tape
- torn black fishnet stockings
- studded black leather short shorts - WITHOUT the giant skull belt buckles
- matching boots and wristbands
- assorted steel chains
Like in the "before" picture on this page:
- http://zumic.com/music-videos/30980/but ... plain-why/

39) new balloons
- Halloween colors
- yalm shapes
- extra humongous sizes
- balloon backpack - floating an inch or so behind your back and tied to your belt
- Balloons pet with Mr. Squeaky balloons
- eyeball balloons - like the "Eye Guy" masks floating around, with or without top hat
- Mr. Squeaky in a "hot air balloon" basket suspended from balloons
- Mr. Squeaky shoulder balloon
- a particle effect like the Holiday Holograms that inflates a series of balloons, and they each overfill and pop, with an explosion of lasers like the Holiday Hologram Burst
- thrown water balloon like the snowball nano
- muffin balloon

40) (AO) holographic clothing
- like a bikini in several completely unrealistic colors that randomly flickers a little
- it wouldn't even have to have straps to hold it on if it's not actually there, so the design could be just as ridiculously unrealistic as the colors

41) Some sexy goth corsetry, like pretty much anything modeled by Threnody in Velvet
- seriously, I couldn't even pick one
- just flip through some of the photos on her FaceBook and one of them is sure to reach out and grab your collar and say, "Yes. This. We should do something like this."
- https://www.facebook.com/threnodyinvelvet

42) Pumpkin-frame glasses like the heart frame glasses, but orange and slightly more rounded
- ... and they shoot laser beams? I don't know why they're shooting laser beams. Maybe they're somehow the opposite of Cyclops' sunglasses?

43) (TSW) ridable hellhound
- custom sprint animation of riding a hellhound
- it summons a pet hellhound when you cancel sprint and the pet unsummons when you activate sprint

44) (AO) black roses growing in the places Uncle roams and pickable like Carbonrich Rocks
- holdable props that turn into holdable decorations like the action figures when combined with a vase
- the more of them you place in your apartment, the more black fog you get in your apartment

45) (AO) spooky tattered black rags bikini - refers to Uncle Pumpkinhead, but might fit in TSW anyway
- little scythes for the back clasps
- tiny Childhood Memories undead teddy bears hanging from the side ties at the hips
- pumpkin colored thong sandals

46) (TSW) rollerblade sprint

47) Bat-winged cat pets

48) multicolored knit hats with pompoms - as close to Jayne hats as you can get

49) (AO) dancing skeleton shoulder lantern
- like the dancing skeleton toy, but instead of just spawning for a few seconds, it hovers over your shoulder, glowing and dancing, until you unequip it

50) (TSW) goat pet, complete with scream
- might need an option to turn off other people's sound effects and/or mute anyone who's on /ignore to keep that from being used to harass people

51) cowbells
- I gotta have more cowbell, baby!
- Guess what? I got a fever, and the only prescription, is more cowbell!

52) orange boots with black laces, or straps, to match the orange striped tights and Midnight Pumpkin bikini
- or black boots with orange laces
- or black high heels with pumpkin-colored ribbon ties

53) Space Cowboy costumes, enough to dress up your whole team as the Serenity crew for Halloween

54) (TSW) permanent anima wings as back/coat clothing item claimable by GM accounts for their free item of the month

55) (TSW) Midnight Pumpkin bikini
- Yes, the same one from AO.

56) a guitar that's a replica "guaranteed to contain at least three slivers from the original, preserved in actual space station alloys" from that International Space Station guitar Commander Chris Hadfield played Space Oddity on

57) slinky black dress cut so low and so high it would only stay in place in a game
- the kind of thing Elvira would wear
- would go great with the "big black beehive wig" #66

58) miniature Heckler pet
- Shem of the Shadowy Brink

59) assorted mix and match Halloween bikinis (and boxers) in traditional Halloween motifs
- candy corn
- bats
- skulls
- skull and crossbones
- vampire fangs

60) (TSW) Atroxes in thongs
- they'd fit in at the London arena just as well as that Heckler

61) extra campy backstreet boys choreography, like https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y-M4o-5IYwo

62) (TSW) custom sprint with bats flying around you
- maybe you morph into a cloud of bats, or one larger bat with a cloud of smaller ones around you
- basically vampire sprint

62) (TSW) Labyrinth (the movie) themed mission and costumes
- with mazes and puzzles and assorted cute and creepy monsters
- and gorgeous gothic costume rewards and authentic David Bowie bulge

64) rectangular black "censored" bar body paint

65) (TSW) glitter trail sprint
- or glitter tail works too, if you misread that

66) black wigs
- Elvira-style big black beehives
- Elvis-style pompadours

67) pet bunny that occasionally checks a pocket watch and scampers off
- may come back sipping tea or chased by playing cards

68) some non-campy /clubdance

69) (AO) curled up sleeping kitty shoulderpad

70) scantily and/or leather clad zombies that hunger for thongs instead of brains

71) spiderweb minidress and/or bikini
- download/file.php?id=5181&mode=view
- download/file.php?id=5182&mode=view
- http://www.yandy.com/Spider-Web-Garter-Bodystocking.php
- http://www.yandy.com/Strappy-Web-Bodystocking.php

72) (AO) tattered black dress or raggedy trousers and vest made from Uncle Pumpkinhead's rags

73) skull-themed maracas, like for Day of the Dead

74) Hitchhiker's Guide-themed mission
- black ships with black display panels full of black buttons with black lettering that lights up black to let you know you've pushed it
- hand-held towels, especially for AO
- 42 peanuts and a pint of beer
- a fish you need to remove from your ear before a monster in a demolition crew uniform finishes reading poetry at you
- a lethal virus spread by dirty telephones, leaving the fate of the human race in the hands of professional telephone sanitizers - but in the more contemporary usage, with personal cellphones, that's more likely to be a computer virus spread through smart phones that whispers some Black Signal kind of neuro-linguistic hack (a la Snow Crash)

75) a suit that makes it look like you are on fire
- animated magical or holographic flames, not just sparkly auras
- possibly with a choice of different color flame effects

76) Ghost of Elvis Presley quest (what, you mean he's not working at a 7-11?)
- has to involve Ricky Pagan - even though that would exclude those of us who still can't get to Tokyo
- something to do with spotting a pink caddy in different zones similar to the GK walking about before summoning the golems
- may involve killing a giant un-dead Elvis or something
- possibly by challenging him to a dance battle of Michael Jackson moves?

76) bat bracelet like http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/img-thing?. ... id=7535136

78) scary clown suit
- Pennywise is the obvious example, but his suit was just ordinary creepy, like all clowns are creepy, and we already have a normal clown suit, in AO anyway
- something dirty and bloody, possibly with cyborg/zombie bits, and a mask with too many big, pointy teeth and smudged makeup and wide crazy eyes, like http://giphy.com/gifs/realitytvgifs-ame ... nOGAXVSTUk
- He never blinks. Like we never blink in AO. Why am I just noticing this now? Why are we not all super creeped out by the fact that WE NEVER BLINK?

79) voodoo poppet doll
- like http://www.strangeling.com/wp-content/u ... voodoo.jpg

80) new emote "cannibalism"
- like cannibalism emote in Fallout 3 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yczJEgJRUO8
- or Skyrim http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NaoRCtRCGGs

81) /dance_zombie_stare

81) (TSW) Investigation: where do Blajinis actually come from?
- Are they even mammals?
- Could Blajini mating rituals actually be even creepier than the things we're used to seeing in TSW already?
- Would we finally need to add professional psychiatric counselling to the faction service vendors for this mission?

81) Sasquatch costume
- bandolier and bowcaster sold separately

84) (AO) more swirls and clouds and generally varying density of Uncle Pumpkinhead's fog instead of the general darkening
- show us what that new engine can do with creepy lighting

85) leets with lasers like the laser raptors in Kung Fury

86) (TSW) pentagram earrings

87) (AO) a buff or global event or mission or something that makes you turn into a zombie pumpkin when you're flagged
- not an Uncle Pumpkinhead clone, a pumpkin... maybe rolling around like a rollerrat and spitting seeds?

87) (AO) Phasefront Hawking
- hoverchair with neck brace and optical controls and holographic displays

* floating witch on a broomstick
- pet like the Orochi drone in TSW
- shoulder item like the pirate parrot in AO

* (TSW) Sacrifice some innocents to gain demonic powers

* (TSW) knock pedestrians out of the way when driving a motorcycle through them

* (TSW) flares that shoot bats and event bags with bats flying out of them instead of the flowers

* glitter handprints applied to the buttocks
- or a hawt red handprints
- bonus points if we can apply them to others

* Bulky and bulgey white costume armor that looks impressive but only attracts more blaster fire
- totally not a Storm Trooper
- maybe it's a Squall Trooper from Space Janitors, though

* (AO) "No Panties" placard
- please /also/ make this available in Arete Landing so we can dance around Patrick Sun with it, smacking him in the head on every twirl
- alternate text it changes to when right-clicked: "Help! Help! There's a perv in my soup!"

* (AO) body glitter nano that just makes surface sparkles instead of the thick glowing aura of shields
- and is contagious so anyone in close proximity gets a lesser amount of glitter on them for a shorter time
- if TSW gets this, it should be on the tattoo or lingerie layer, which I'm sure you're secretly working on, but if you're not ready to announce it, save it for then

* Halloween Lava Lamps
- (AO) Rocket Lamp style lava lamps with black blobs in orange liquid, and ANIMATED like the ones in ICC's arrival hall
- (TSW) Like the lava lamps we just got for Anniversary, dressed up and/or colored for Halloween

* more colors of Mysterious Cloak

* (AO) kitty dolls, like Predator plushies

* cybergoth-style respirator/gas mask

* (AO) more separation of the loot tables among different pumpkins (wilderness, old skool phats, dolls and lanterns, some new event), as long as there are enough of each, not a dozen pumpkins on a playfield all wiped out by the first NT to fly by, with a 4 hour respawn

* mission involving Slenderman in bunny slippers or squeaky clown shoes

* (AO) TSW wisps in AO if the new engine can handle it

* (TSW) Grumpy Nermegal merch (I don't know how to make that Grumpy Cat expression visible on a black cat, but if you can think of a way...)
- tee shirts
- sweatshirts
- backpacks
- plushies like the teddy bears
- hats with ears, tentacles, and a frown
- nightshirts
- Grumpy Displacer Cat pet

* (TSW) bar server / butler pets like AO's barleet
- Orochi drones with trays that go around delivering drinks instead of zapping people's pets
- a tuxedo butler shem (and maybe a golden version, wearing a shem-sized version of that golden tuxedo)
- a draug lord puppy with a bow tie and a tray

* (TSW) dress up the golems for the event, whatever the new Halloween story is
- for example, for this past anniversary, the frozen one should have had a boho scarf, and the forest one should have worn tie-dye

* Banshees
- really pale Irish dead girls, so pale they're almost as transparent as their nighties, and then they scream your head off

* blinking, animated black and orange lava lamp hats

* (TSW) broom sprint, even if it only works during the event
- (AO) Phasefront broomstick - I think this already exists, but very few have it

* Mushroom pet that looks like a random wild mushroom until it stands up to run after you when you move

* assorted mix and match other less Halloween-specific bikinis (and boxers)
- cherry pie
- Mr. Squeaky
- Kyr'Ozch
- frogs
- fig leaf

* mushroom hat, like a giant red amanita cap

* (AO) bring back the "Christmas Tree" medi-blades as wiener roasting forks and make a new medi-blade that looks more like a high tech medical tool than a Sigd that stabbed a can of white paint or a ceremonial dagger carved from a deer antler.

* (AO) easy tradeskill recipes to make baked goods from all those pumpkins we're gonna be breaking
- pumpkin pie, pumpkin bread, pumpkin muffins, pumpkin ravioli, pumpkin chocolate chip cookies,
- toasted pumpkin seeds, pumpkin ale, pumpkin spiced coffee, etc.
- pumpkins filled with clove, nutmeg, and vodka as punch bowls.
- we're gonna need a lot of nutmeg

* (TSW) zebra stripe outfit like AO has

* investigation of how many tits it takes to carry a bunch of coconuts

* (TSW) communist molerats

* (TSW) new sprint animation: taco-powered gaseous personal propulsion with optional flame effects or athletic version

* (TSW) Filth werewolves
- or even creepier - nine-tailed werewolves with some of the tentacles pink instead of black

* rainbow bunnytail speedo, just for DJ Azuca

* (TSW) craft our extra leftover scarves into a noose big enough to hang a golem with and break down the flare guns into enough metal to build a gallows tall enough and sturdy enough to use it, resulting in reusable golem traps for each zone on each server

* (TSW) a giant anthropomorphized flare gun golem for Halloween that explodes and kills everyone in rifle range when it gets down to 10k health.
- And anyone killed by the attack would not get a gift bag as a quest reward but a flare gun inscribed with "run faster" to commemorate the event.
- Which everyone would hate until the Flare Gun is revealed to be the next aux weapon.
- And then they'll hate it even more again when, after most of the flares have been fired, deleted, or recycled into golem traps for the next Golden Week or Anniversary, the remaining Anniversary flares from this past event turn into yellow-framed special tier (Third Age) Heroic aux weapons that were only obtainable through the 2015 anniversary event.

* Golden Golem / Gatekeeper costume
- or golden armor with wires and a battery pack to produce experimental plasma shields - some Orochi early attempt at reverse-engineering Aegis
- they probably scrapped it because looking like a protocol droid didn't help their image any

* (TSW) "pet" creepy Japanese kids like something from The Grudge or The Ring

* (TSW) TSWRP collectable trading cards with player characters and powers as in-game tradable items

* (TSW) Ak'ab mount custom sprint
- maybe it creeps forward and lunges ahead to average out to sprint speed, but I think that would make me seasick
- then again, it's an ak'ab - watching someone else ride it around would probably make me feel sick

* (TSW) Nermegal panther mount
- full grown panther sized spooky kitty, that randomly teleports you to another plane for a few seconds

* (TSW) a mask like "Darkness" from the movie "Legend", but without the horns so it doesn't look /too/ similar, until we combine it with Hel's horns
- (AO) maybe just a big "devil" mask that looks vaguely like that, but close enough it might remind you of that movie if you haven't seen it in 15 years, pretty much like 90% of the common "devil" images, anwyay

* Spear of Sudden But Inevitable Betrayal - actually a big steel atrox-sized I-beam, worn right through the chest slot
- Still too soon?

* AoE trippy mushroom
- (AO) psychedelic glowing mushroom shoulder lamp with laser shows and moire interference effects and whatever other fantastical lighting the new engine can throw from it
- (TSW) decoration with mild hallucinogenic effects in vicinity, like everyone around just got a good whiff of spores from some of the really cool mushrooms, but not a whole dose

* (AO) Make sure there are Halloween leets and whatever new NPC introduces the new Halloween event in ICC as well as all the major cities

* (AO) Broken bottles, perhaps the same fake blood, bad brew and pumpkin juice bottles, but empty, broken, and sharp, for double damage (a whole 2 points)

* carvable pumpkins
- (AO) like the snowman parts - found as whole or mostly whole pumpkins and a candle and carving knife (or use any of the various Survival Knives?) and each time you combing the pumpkin with the knife, it changes to a jack-o-lantern with a different face, sorted by amount carved, and then you add the candle to make a jack-o-lantern decoration
- (AO) or combine a pumpkin, a scary/spooky/creepy/funny/goofy stencil, a knife, and a candle, in that order
- (TSW) one stack of pumpkins and one stack of pumpkin carving kits and the orientation in the crafting table determines the appearance of the resulting jack-o-lantern, and another stack of optional candles to light them

* (TSW) a hex mark that opens a trans-dimensional dance floor rift under OOC NPCs so we can kick them into it while shouting, "This! Is! Ealdwich!"

* (TSW) a pet squirrel that reacts to getting zapped by the Orochi drones by leaping up on top of them and riding them around, chittering like a fuzzy cowboy, until they crash

* Scarlett Johansson succubus pet
- would have scored higher on this list if it was actually possible
- maybe it should have been phrased "a succubus pet Scarlett Johansson should play in a movie adaptation" but that was too long

* (TSW) Past Halloween emotes buyable alacarte in the shop and a bundle of emotes from all the past events

* (TSW) spider earrings

* (AO) Aiken's Balloon Throne
- a Phasefront Loungemaster - Ndenjese lifted an extra foot off the ground by a large number of small balloons tied to it

* frog suit
- green and white suit with a big froggy helmet with huge eyes

* (AO) solo version of Entvine/Enigma challenge with different rewards and separate timer

* (AO) skull shoulderpads

* backpacks and vehicles shaped like the various advy morphs we can no longer cast on others
- morph into a wolf, riding a dragon, with a kitty riding on your back

* big red hammer
- the one from Valentine's Day with even more blood
- or a big bright red cartoonish one
- maybe matching daggers, swords, and axes too

* (AO) skull candies (consumables) like the ones TSW gets
- healing/nano replenishment, like a Recharger you don't have to sit down to use - but only fires once if used in combat
- or like a Weird Cherry with a different set of morphs and some minor buff, like a +10 AAO to go with the AAD buff on the cherries

* (TSW) skull candles (decorations) like the ones AO gets

* martial arts gi
- something for martial artists and Kung Fu / Karate Kid halloween costumes, that looks more like terry cloth sweatpants and a bathrobe and less like monk robes

* explain why TSW lawns are so well manicured, even in zombie-infested areas
- demonically possessed lawnmowers, Christine-style
- zombie cows
- were-cows, or were-sheep
- normal goats

* (AO) working wings
- angel wings free to claim in the item shop (some folks keep missing them at Anniversary)
- combine the jetpack with the angel, fairy, demon/dragon/bat wings to get a set of wings that grants flight just like the jetpack if it's in a Clothing slot, but if you don't have the skill you can still wear it social.
- make sure the jetpack isn't CONSUMED in that process, as we can only claim one, and might want to use it on all our wings and still keep the jetpack for other costumes

* typical fantasy MMO armor *costumes*
- the unrealistically skimpy stuff that leaves no doubt what kind of fantasy it is, but with realistically negligible defense values
- chainmail bikini
- seductive sorceress teddy
- barbarian loincloths
- Roman gladiator "armor"
- Roman soldier armor: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lorica_segmentata

* (TSW) underbust corset and strategically positioned long wig
- http://inspirink.files.wordpress.com/20 ... .jpg?w=571

* (TSW) make Zombie Powder cause nearby zombies to act like they're wearing the Shoes of Synchronicity and join in the /zombie_strut

* "Black Rose" version of Miiir's Cream Rose outfit

* fix the French Maid Miniskirt of Xtronica Entertainment
- pointlessly tiny apron, microskirt, ruffled / lacy panties, garters (belt being pretty much the only thing hidden by the skirt) , black fishnet stockings, and black high heels
- instead of that thigh glitch they've had forever

* broomstick skirts

* Cthuleet pet

* (TSW) Orochi Black Sox uniform, as seen in Issue #1 of Champions magazine

Thanks so much for taking the time to read all of this. As always, I hope you found enough of it interesting, inspiring, or at least amusing, to be worth your time. We're all looking forward to whatever old Uncle Pumpkinhead brings and whatever new surprises await in the Secret World.

- Jezebelle
GSP Dancer
Posts: 1098
Joined: Fri Jan 22, 2010 5:07 am

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