Official GSP Quotes Thread

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Re: Official GSP Quotes Thread

Postby Caliana » Sun Mar 30, 2014 6:45 am

So many quotable moments. I should have posted some of them, but this one...

[#GridStream] [Caliana]: Time for bed. Night you goober
[#GridStream] [*Ashval]: Me too. G'night all! :)
[#GridStream] [Antu]: Night Cali. Dream of me.
[#GridStream] [Antu]: Night, Ash. Dream of Dyna.
[#GridStream] [*Ashval]: WTF no.
[#GridStream] [*Dharzee]: She could've said Lykeios
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Re: Official GSP Quotes Thread

Postby Nicodar » Mon Mar 31, 2014 12:44 am

Caliana wrote:[#GridStream] [*Dharzee]: She could've said Lykeios

Pretty sure Ashval already has nightmares about the time Lykeios tried to make out with him.
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Re: Official GSP Quotes Thread

Postby Antu » Sun Apr 20, 2014 4:59 am

[Rekvijem]: All right, time for me to log for the night. Don't lose hope without me.
[Rekvijem]: And Ashval, sleep well, and dream of large women.
[*Ashval]: I will.

[*Jezebelle]: We have to wait for you to come back to lose hope?
[*Ashval]: FFS
[*WhisperyFire]: Large Women?
*Iolanthe cackles.
[*Ashval]: Well, Alex is kinda tall.
[*Iolanthe]: ((Haha, in the end, you win!))
[*Kirasha]: It's a Princess Bride quote, for those confused.
[*Iolanthe]: also known as one of the best movies ever.
[*Shigy]: Yeah when the giant gets knocked out.
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Re: Official GSP Quotes Thread

Postby Kermie » Mon Apr 21, 2014 5:12 am

Cheegooo: good tunes for the creeper van lol

now if i could only figure out how to get this into pink
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Re: Official GSP Quotes Thread

Postby Antu » Mon Apr 21, 2014 5:59 pm

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Re: Official GSP Quotes Thread

Postby Kermie » Mon Apr 21, 2014 7:40 pm

lol ANTU wrong pink. but thanks!
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Re: Official GSP Quotes Thread

Postby Ashval » Mon Apr 21, 2014 7:52 pm

Pinks are something we can save in Gridbot as memorable quotes that get spewed into org chat from time to time. Pretty sure that's what he was referring to.:) (No idea why they're called pinks)
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Re: Official GSP Quotes Thread

Postby Kermie » Mon Apr 21, 2014 8:50 pm

yep that's the pink i meant ash.. Its probably good that i can't remember the commands.
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Re: Official GSP Quotes Thread

Postby Caliana » Mon Apr 21, 2014 10:40 pm

Kermie wrote:lol ANTU wrong pink. but thanks!

The amazing thing is that Antu of all people went with font color, instead of another common euphemism. :lol:
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Re: Official GSP Quotes Thread

Postby Gridfan » Wed Apr 23, 2014 5:51 pm

"Pinks" dates way back, and it was my fault I'm sure.

I can't recall the exact story any more (nor the quote that started it) but:

Tarryk (one of the original founders of GSP) said something in ORG chat one day as a joke (or not? :) ) about liking Pink (the artist), and as they say, the rest is history.

I thought it would be neat to have Gridbot spit out a amusing quote now and again, and to distinguish it from other text (and other info the bot would spit out) the random quotes needed a color, and since one of the first quotes was about Pink and because Pink stands out and because a Pink color remind me of the Pink Panther cartoons (where the main character is a kind of joker), I thought, hey why not color them pink and call them Pinks.
It also sounded funny in my head to be able to exclaim "Hahaaa! You got pinked!"
And a lot of the "pinks" are sometimes a tad embarrassing, so when the guilty speaker see the quote of what they said they might just turn a little pinkish in their face.

So short story.... Gridfan did a very typical Griddler thing and with naughty thoughts created something different, and Tarryk was the unwitting enabler at the time.

Yeah! This whole thing probably does not make much sense. Then again very few here understand Griddish anyway.

And what is a Pink Panther?

It originated from the movies
as part of the opening credits

Also you may recognize the Pink Panther theme, which is memorable and and also makes for a great stripper song for those curious. :twisted:

And yes. Gridfan if of the species Griddler that speak Griddish and is among sometimes among his own kind called "The Griddler", his level is insane and the special attack involves pink tentacles probably do not wish to know more (trust me, or rather, don't trust me, I mean...)
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Re: Official GSP Quotes Thread

Postby Ashval » Thu Apr 24, 2014 2:21 pm

*head explodes*
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Re: Official GSP Quotes Thread

Postby Shigy » Sat Apr 26, 2014 4:41 am

Ashval wrote:*head explodes*

DAMN IT GRIDDY! Not again.
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Re: Official GSP Quotes Thread

Postby Antu » Sun Apr 27, 2014 2:38 am

*Ashval whips his dragon out
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Re: Official GSP Quotes Thread

Postby Antu » Sun Apr 27, 2014 2:57 am

[Group] [*Antu]: I'm a little concerned that Tweetdeck just offered to autocomplete #WhereAreYou to #WhereAreYourToes
Jule smiles as she continues to dance to the song
*Ashval laughs
[Group] [Medrina]: ...creepy
[Group] [*Ashval]: O.o
*Jezebelle laughs.
[Group] [*Antu]: /me opens tumblr to search on that.
Stuckey smiles to Jule as they dance together.
[Group] [Medrina]: omg please don't reblog..
[Group] [*Antu]: LOL.
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Re: Official GSP Quotes Thread

Postby Shigy » Sun May 25, 2014 4:35 am

*Iolanthe ties Azuca to the table
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Re: Official GSP Quotes Thread

Postby Lia » Sun May 25, 2014 6:17 am

Iolanthe laughs at Azuca
[Iolanthe]: you are too cute
[Oubs]: Azuca, are you broadcasting from the jungle? I hear critters
[*Ashval]: LOL Az is so cute.
[Iolanthe]: He is
[*DJ-Azuca]: Think my mother was trying to prevent my gayness... Oh well didn't work. LOL
[Iolanthe]: I want to cuddle him.
[*Shigy]: Can we keep him? :P
*Jezebelle laughs.
Iolanthe cuddles Azuca
[*Ashval]: I would so cuddle with Az if he made it here to the States.
*MoxMox has about 44576789 Shem-dolls you may have Azuca :}
[Iolanthe]: C-can I watch?
The Centre Facility is under attack by the Dragon.
[*Ashval]: You two can make an Ashval sandwich.
[*DJ-Azuca]: Hehehe. I would love to come over to the US for the get together.
[Oubs]: ...I'll just stand in a dark corner and glare at the cuddling...
The South Facility has been captured by the Templars!
[*Shigy]: lol
[Dui]: *Dui loks up from her phone and having sent out another Tweet*
[*Shigy]: Digging the music btw Azuca :)
The Centre Facility has been captured by the Dragon!
[*DJ-Azuca]: Thanks Shigs! :)
[*Ashval]: I am too once I got over the transition shock.
[Iolanthe]: An Ashval sandwich?
[Oubs]: He IS made of meat...
*MoxMox grooves to thje music
[Iolanthe]: I'm not bread.
*Jezebelle giggles.
[*Ashval]: I am a meat popsicle.
[*DJ-Azuca]: He is my kind of meat
[Iolanthe]: oh gods. I almost choked on my beer. god damnit, Ash
[Oubs]: No but meat sandwiches are best
MoxMox applauds Kaitou.
[*Ashval]: Hehe
[Feisty-Brat]: Ashval sandwich... tastes great but less filling...
[Iolanthe]: LOL
[Oubs]: What kinda meat you want on the sandwiche? MEAT!
[Iolanthe]: less filling?
*Jezebelle laughs.
[Oubs]: What kinds bread? MEAT!
Iolanthe cracks the fuck up
[Oubs]: Whay else you want on the sandwich?
[Iolanthe]: I just died of laughter
Shinjoheru grins " it's a ginger thing"
[*DJ-Azuca]: LOL!
[*Shigy]: lol
[Dui]: *Dui smirks*
*Ashval sniffs
[*Shigy]: We will miss Io
[Iolanthe]: The corpse is still warm.
*DJ-Azuca touches Io
[Oubs]: Oh.. that sounds like an invitation.
Oubs licks her lips
[Dui]: Where did he go ..again? *dui looks towards where Jude ran*
[*Dharzee]: Wouldn't be the first time someone took advantage of Iolanthe's corpse at a GSP show
[Iolanthe]: That's true.
[Oubs]: heh
[Iolanthe]: Cali did some delightful things last time.
[*Ashval]: BRB (I need opiates and more rum....such a great combo)
[*Jezebelle]: Somebody run out of bees? Should we spread honey on her or something?
[Oubs]: (HEY! No fair if you can't share!)
[*Jezebelle]: Oh, she's back!
[Iolanthe]: I has a taco
[Iolanthe]: I'm all better now
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Re: Official GSP Quotes Thread

Postby Shigy » Sun May 25, 2014 10:23 am

[18:52] [*Miss-Sanguine]: so question.... if one is a vegan... and all plants are technically living... are they killing plants or stealing from plants? philoscopiscal... xD
[18:52] [*Miss-Sanguine]: HAH! Woodsworth.
[18:52] [*Miss-Sanguine]: err...
[18:52] [*Miss-Sanguine]: whatsibutler..
[18:52] [Shigy]: Depends if they survive the experience.
[18:52] [*Miss-Sanguine]: true.
[18:52] [DJ-Azuca]: Technically they will be doing both...
[18:52] [Shigy]: If they do it's theft...otherwise murder :P
[18:52] [Jezebelle]: It depends on the plant and what they're eating from it.
[18:52] [Shigy]: Or they are eating plants sperm :P
[18:53] [*Miss-Sanguine]: xD
[18:53] [*Miss-Sanguine]: hahahaha
[18:53] [DJ-Azuca]: NUTS!
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Re: Official GSP Quotes Thread

Postby Dharzee » Sat May 31, 2014 4:32 am

Shigy: Kymie I have some sad news about blow jobs too :P
Jezebelle laughs.
Joanwilder: LOL
Kymie: You don't get to blow up the job?
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Re: Official GSP Quotes Thread

Postby Shigy » Sun Jun 01, 2014 6:53 am

[*Ashval]: I just count on Kira to sift through the internet for me and point me to the cute animal stuff and the funny shit. I don't have time. Games to play Work to do. Pixels to hit on. DJ'ing to do.
Jezebelle giggles.
[*Iolanthe]: Such a straight-forward life you lead.
[*Ashval]: Yep.
[Shigy]: Io you should get yourself a wife to sift through things for you :P
[*Iolanthe]: You just want to think about me having a wife.
[Jezebelle]: So, what's wrong with that? Sounds like a decent plan to me.
[Shigy]: Well duh.
[*Iolanthe]: Yeah, I'm having trouble having a problem with it.
Jezebelle giggles.
[*Iolanthe]: I got nothing.
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Re: Official GSP Quotes Thread

Postby Lia » Fri Jun 06, 2014 11:44 pm

You forgot the rest of that, Shigy. (I apparently copied it into a txt document for lulz and forgot about it LOL - also included just how quickly Ash's brain jumps from one topic to another. :P)

[*Ashval]: I highly recommend wives. They're pretty cool.
[*Ashval]: Maybe even more than one.
[Iolanthe]: I would need a polyamorous relationship. I dig guys too much.
*Ashval looks at Io
[*Jezebelle]: Again, still sounding like a good plan.
[Iolanthe]: Yes, I know Io has hot pixels, Ash.
[*Ashval]: No, I was going to ask you to marry me.
[Iolanthe]: There aren't enough tables in the world to flip, Ash.
[*Jezebelle]: And spring it on Kira later?
*Ashval laughs
[Iolanthe]: Well, Kira does have a special place in my heart.
[*Shigy]: So get some. Your a grown adult with money :P
[Iolanthe]: ^
*Ashval gives Shigy a flat look
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