Innaugural Episode - 7/23/18

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Innaugural Episode - 7/23/18

Postby Vallikat » Mon Jul 23, 2018 3:30 pm

The first episode of Gridstream News will be going live later today. I had technical issues with finishing it up last night so I couldn't get it posted this morning as intended. I have since sorted that out though so tonight for sure.

I'll post a link when it goes up.
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Re: Innaugural Episode - 7/23/18

Postby Vallikat » Tue Jul 24, 2018 6:02 am

Had the same problem all over again tonight. Basically my phone overheats partially through the process. In addition I was suffering a bad space issue. So tonight I did a serious clean up on my phone and then had to make the clips I lost in last nights meltdown in stages. But it's finally done. Later than I hoped but again this is a learning process. Here's the link:
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Re: Innaugural Episode - 7/23/18

Postby Vallikat » Tue Jul 24, 2018 5:19 pm

One thing I noticed is that I'm not very camera aware. I tried to keep Griddy's advice in mind and look straight into the camera. I purchased a tripod to help keep the camera steady in the same place each time which I thought would help. However even with it being directly in front of me I'm not really looking into the camera. I still look like i'm looking down. I think what's happening is that I'm thinking about my script rather than being aware of where I should be looking.

The other issue that is sorta' related is that my tripod came with a bluetooth toggle switch. I thought that would be perfect because I could just click record on or off without touching a thing once I had myself in frame, Only for whatever reason sometimes it wasn't clicking it on and so I'd be gabbing away with nothing happening. Once I noticed that then I started checking it each time which meant having to put it back each time and that lead to the same issue as before of not having it always in the same place. To resolve that I need to find a way to consistently use that clicker. I'll also have to make a template of some form so that I'm putting my tripod down in the same spot each time.
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Re: Innaugural Episode - 7/23/18

Postby Shigy » Wed Jul 25, 2018 8:29 am

Vallikat wrote:One thing I noticed is that I'm not very camera aware. I tried to keep Griddy's advice in mind and look straight into the camera. I purchased a tripod to help keep the camera steady in the same place each time which I thought would help. However even with it being directly in front of me I'm not really looking into the camera. I still look like i'm looking down. I think what's happening is that I'm thinking about my script rather than being aware of where I should be looking.

The other issue that is sorta' related is that my tripod came with a bluetooth toggle switch. I thought that would be perfect because I could just click record on or off without touching a thing once I had myself in frame, Only for whatever reason sometimes it wasn't clicking it on and so I'd be gabbing away with nothing happening. Once I noticed that then I started checking it each time which meant having to put it back each time and that lead to the same issue as before of not having it always in the same place. To resolve that I need to find a way to consistently use that clicker. I'll also have to make a template of some form so that I'm putting my tripod down in the same spot each time.

Might be good to just start the recording a few seconds before you start talking and then just cut that "dead air" out in editing.
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Re: Innaugural Episode - 7/23/18

Postby Vallikat » Wed Jul 25, 2018 3:08 pm

Thanks for that feeback Shigs.

Hmmm... Now you have me concerned though because that is what I do. I start recording for a time before I start and then let it go for a few after I stop just so that I have some good clean spots to cut on. I thought on playback it was good but I have to admit after so many technical difficulties I was so glad to be done that I didn't go back and fine tune. I'll have to take another look at the finished product and see what I think.
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Re: Innaugural Episode - 7/23/18

Postby Shigy » Fri Jul 27, 2018 11:52 am

Vallikat wrote:Thanks for that feeback Shigs.

Hmmm... Now you have me concerned though because that is what I do. I start recording for a time before I start and then let it go for a few after I stop just so that I have some good clean spots to cut on. I thought on playback it was good but I have to admit after so many technical difficulties I was so glad to be done that I didn't go back and fine tune. I'll have to take another look at the finished product and see what I think.

Ah if you are already doing it then not a problem. Was just thinking because of the issue with your remote sometimes not working. Hit go. Check it's recording. Start talking.
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Re: Innaugural Episode - 7/23/18

Postby Gridfan » Fri Jul 27, 2018 2:40 pm

Poor Valli, jumping in both feet into a crash course in making a home studio. :)

If you find your self doing a unconscious thinking pose that often, why not raise the camera higher up (or is the tripod at max height?). If the angle of your head when your looking at the camera becomes a tad low you'll instead appear more humble.

Drawing eyes and a beard on a piece of paper and putting that around the camera might work, or a wig :P
You think I might be joking, and I sorta am. But trying to think of the camera as a person and the lens as the eye(s) might work?
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Re: Innaugural Episode - 7/23/18

Postby DaddyLes » Sun Jul 29, 2018 1:27 pm

Gridfan wrote:Drawing eyes and a beard on a piece of paper and putting that around the camera might work, or a wig
You think I might be joking, and I sorta am. But trying to think of the camera as a person and the lens as the eye(s) might work?

Those little tricks work surprisingly well. Back in the day, when I was talking far too quietly on the phones at work, I would imagine that I was speaking to somebody at a distant desk. It naturally forced me to project my voice, which lead to proper volume on the phone. Ditto for the mic, early on.

Whatever mental gymnastics work, go ahead and use them. You don't necessarily *have* to tell people that you've got googly eyes above the camera lens, but if that puts you at ease and keeps you facing the right way, why the hell not? There's a reason the advice of imagining your audience naked still does the rounds. For some people, it really does work. Humans are fun like that.
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Re: Innaugural Episode - 7/23/18

Postby Gridfan » Wed Aug 01, 2018 3:19 pm

DaddyLes wrote:There's a reason the advice of imagining your audience naked still does the rounds.

I'd end up with a permanent erection if I followed that advice.
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