So... what *IS* DJ Dharzee's Big Hair Ball?

Saturdays (8pm - 10pm Eastern) with DJ Dharzee

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So... what *IS* DJ Dharzee's Big Hair Ball?

Postby Dharzee » Fri Aug 29, 2014 6:58 pm

First I want to apologize for not making this post sooner.. but I'm (still) having a heck of a time trying to come up with the right words to explain the concept. And it really is a concept and it will probably evolve over time. It started with the idea that I could play some of the 80's music I grew up listening to, especially the 'hair bands.' I'm not sure about everyone else but when I think 'hair bands' I actually get the image of people with big poofy hairstyles. I enjoy 'rock' music and if I had to pick a favorite genre, that would probably be it, but it's not the only thing I like.

So while you're likely to hear a lot of rock music in my shows (and it could be anything from the early days of rock to current releases) you're also likely to hear a little bit of everything else. My tastes can be highly eclectic, from pop and dance, metal, techno, rap and county (my two least favorite genres but I still like some of it), blues, hip hop, novelty and comedy (rock may be my favorite genre but Weird Al Yankovic is my favorite artist), punk, industrial... I may not cram everything into a show but sometimes even I don't know what's going to pop up next. Which brings me to the alternate definition of the Big Hair Ball, just like a cat you may never know just what I'll hack up at any given time.

The one constant that is likely to be found at most of my shows will be a tendency towards 'upbeat' music as opposed to more laid back, easy listening styles of music (which is what I consider a lot of the rock power ballads to be.) I do still enjoy some of that type of music but you're not going to hear it nearly as often.

The show isn't just about me and what I like though, it's also about what the listeners enjoy. I'm absolutely open to requests and if it's something I already have, that makes it easy. If it's something I don't have, I'll make notes and take a look for it. I make no guarantees that I'll be able to find and/or acquire it in a timely manner but I will look.

Hopefully this hasn't been too much of a rambling mess to read through but maybe it will help to give an idea of what my show is about. Thank you for taking the time to drop by the forum and read this :)

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Re: So... what *IS* DJ Dharzee's Big Hair Ball?

Postby Shigy » Wed Sep 03, 2014 1:52 am

I like the sound of your show. I'll have to make it sometime. Although I may struggle with the time once I'm back in Australia.
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Re: So... what *IS* DJ Dharzee's Big Hair Ball?

Postby Dasubervixen » Thu Sep 03, 2015 12:54 am

I like the sound of this show also. I may not be able to be there in game. But I'll be tuning in for sure.
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Re: So... what *IS* DJ Dharzee's Big Hair Ball?

Postby Dharzee » Thu Sep 03, 2015 2:46 am

Dasubervixen wrote:I like the sound of this show also. I may not be able to be there in game. But I'll be tuning in for sure.

:cheer: :dance: :notworthy:
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Re: So... what *IS* DJ Dharzee's Big Hair Ball?

Postby Faithy » Tue Jul 03, 2018 11:32 pm

Oh man, I know I'm late to the party but your post and description of how you came up with the name for the show just cracked me up! :lol: That is so great! And your taste in music sounds a bit like mine, though maybe mine is a bit broader. :p Still, hair bands and that kind of rock is definitely some of my favorites as well..This just makes me feel more guilty that I haven't caught any of your shows yet..but I definitely will be tuning in for the next one(s) that I can! \m/
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