No Blissful Elevations 1st September

Saturdays (12:30 pm - 3:30 pm Eastern) with DJ Gemmikins

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No Blissful Elevations 1st September

Postby Gemmikins » Mon Sep 01, 2014 11:35 pm

Seems my allergies are throwing me off tonight, giving me a nasty headache and some serious snifflings. Going to postpone tonights show and aim for a ninja before the event at the weekend. Might even switch things up and aim for the new edition show for you guys to make up for it.

Sorry to do this to you guys so soon after getting back into a routine >.< hope you all have an awesome night and have enjoyed the three day weekend!
Tomorrow is another day for tainting and corrupting more innocent souls :)

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Re: No Blissful Elevations 1st September

Postby Shigy » Wed Sep 03, 2014 1:41 am

I've had a great three day weekend. I might catch your weekend show.
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