In the beginning, there was Elvis and Buddy Holly . . . Jerry Lee Lewis, and Phil Spector . . . in the nearly 20 years that have followed, rock and roll has been psychedelicized, synthesized, brutalized, homogenized, and generally dehumanized to the point of self-destruction and near extinction.
But take heart; there is a survivor, here to resurrect the original idea -- rock and roll: hard and soft . . . tough and gentle . . . joyous and tearful . . . fearless and timid. --- THE TALE OF THE MINK
by Willy DeVille as told to Dusti Rhodes VELVET UNDERGROUND meets LATINO SLeEEZE
I give you .. Mink Deville is 100 live vesions .. i couldn't pick just one
Willy Deville - Mixed up, Shook up Girl Live promised last Friday night