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Speaking of Penguins ^^

Postby Oddysee » Mon Aug 02, 2004 7:12 pm

Here's one we can all agree on ^^

:twisted: Tm
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Postby Mummu » Mon Aug 02, 2004 9:19 pm

Rubi-Ka for the Neutrals! Image
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Postby Tacz » Mon Aug 02, 2004 11:22 pm

I always knew, but had no proof...
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Postby Coltess » Tue Aug 03, 2004 2:51 am

/rant on

I disagree. :P

Without Bill Gates and Microsoft, I believe that we would be worse off than we are. There would be a multiple of Operating Systems, none of which would be able to communicate or exchange files. Games for personable computers would be unheard of since there wouldn’t any money in it, at least none of the multi million dollar productions we are used to now. Hardware support would be just as flaky. Hardware vendors are already hard pressed to write drivers for Windows, Linux, and Apple, so just imagine if there were five more OS in popular use.

I know the various versions of Windows have more security holes in them than the average Swiss cheese, but doesn’t Linux (I don’t know, I’m asking)? Isn’t it just as much a question of people gunning for the big bad Bill Gates as not? Let’s face it; there are griefers everywhere, in real life and online.

Yes, Microsoft has questionable business practices, but is chaos preferable to a monopoly? I believe that if you don’t like Windows and Microsoft, go by an Apple or install Linux or something other OS. No one makes people by Microsoft’s products; only companies get strong armed as far as I am aware. Of course, you may have to start your own software house in order to get a worthwhile game. ;)
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Postby Mummu » Tue Aug 03, 2004 7:41 am

I ve installed linux on both my comps.
from time to time there is a security holw in linux too. every couple of years (ok maybe every couple of 6 month) but it gets way faster fixed thatn the ones in win.
linux has nowadays far more functions than win, only the newest from mac got 1 or2 fancy gimmicks more.
all 3 systems have it right to exist, win for commercial games, linux for working and mac for graphics.
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Postby Cowtipper » Tue Aug 03, 2004 10:59 am

Yo. Mesa be a computer technician, so I've used the variety of flavors of Linux, Microsoft since before it had Windows, MacOS long before it had BSD, and also several other OSes that have come and gone along the years.

Anyway, Microsoft is a monopoly. Despite what good they have done for the desktop platform and for software, they have abused the power they've been granted for their position. They were labeled a monopoly in the courts. Not only that but a malicious one. This is the kind that is broken up into smaller companies like all the little bells were several years ago and the railroad companies as well.

The problem with Microsoft and having 'fewer' operating systems is that there are fewer unique ideas. When you're forced to have *nix, MacOS, or Windows, you're stuck in a box. Creating new ideas has to have a programmer and software developer out of the box. Software patents are also an issue which, while fundamentally it should create unique ideas, it's been used as a landmine field for litigation organizations to get rich. Microsoft is no exception as they hold several 'stupid' and 'common sense' patents. They've said they won't use them, but this is Microsoft. They have no moral values, and if they need the money or the power to shut an organization down with it, it will be done.

I don't have a problem with Gates or Microsoft personally. I'm more disappointed in the governments of the world who haven't enforced the rules that they set for free trade and what restrict corporations from becoming abusive monopolies. I do dislike Microsoft's view towards these laws, however. They aren't boundaries to them that can't be crossed, but obstacles that they need to find a way around to turn a dollar. That's not the way any corporation in this world should act.


Also, nice picture :)
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Postby Nexeus » Tue Aug 03, 2004 5:46 pm

Coltess wrote:/rant on

I disagree. :P

Without Bill Gates and Microsoft, I believe that we would be worse off than we are. There would be a multiple of Operating Systems, none of which would be able to communicate or exchange files. Games for personable computers would be unheard of since there wouldn’t any money in it, at least none of the multi million dollar productions we are used to now. Hardware support would be just as flaky. Hardware vendors are already hard pressed to write drivers for Windows, Linux, and Apple, so just imagine if there were five more OS in popular use.

I know the various versions of Windows have more security holes in them than the average Swiss cheese, but doesn’t Linux (I don’t know, I’m asking)? Isn’t it just as much a question of people gunning for the big bad Bill Gates as not? Let’s face it; there are griefers everywhere, in real life and online.

Yes, Microsoft has questionable business practices, but is chaos preferable to a monopoly? I believe that if you don’t like Windows and Microsoft, go by an Apple or install Linux or something other OS. No one makes people by Microsoft’s products; only companies get strong armed as far as I am aware. Of course, you may have to start your own software house in order to get a worthwhile game. ;)

/Rebuttal on

As much as I want to agree with you though from creating half assed programs and softwares that has lended to more problems than anything else. Granted there has been more advancements, but MS didn't have to create IE and go ahead and take over Netscape's domain, MS didn't have to go ahead and create office and take over Word Perfect's dominance. Everything didn't have to be MS enables, there were plenty of alrady made and working programs that were in place before MS.

Now onto Windows, erm... *cough* There was Macintosh, and Mac was good, very good. If it wasn't Windows, Mac would have been dominant over everything, and there were already a few great games (Descent to name one) for the Mac.

As much as I say hey, Windows did advance things, it prevented a few other things happening, like actually testing for bugs, everything became a "Hey lets get this done now we'll patch later". before Windows pulled it's "Monopoly" over the industry things were pretty good, it did lead to the .com boom and a spark over a lot of other things - but we are paying big time NOW for it and we will continue to pay ever further for it.

Mac OS X beats windows about two fold over, the problem is that it's still for the mac.

Linux is a great OS (and it has no where near as many bugs as Windows have), but it is complicated as all hell (too much based on a console system).

For me, the only problem I have with Gates and Microsoft is their way towards computing, building something and then moving on and then patching it later. I rather have something a bit finely tuned like an OS, and get my broswer from somewhere else... you don't have to do everything Microsoft, and that's what pissed me off more so than anything else.

Build technology so that people can use it and add to it... don't build, then add, and use it, and have everything dominated by you - implement new technology, don't implement, create and have it be half assed.

Oh and hate to tell you but all of the hardware ideas that Microsoft has, "plug and play", etc, etc, etc... was developed by Apple years before they implemented it. Hardware support would not be flakely at all. Soo many of you young whipper snappers don't remember Mac back in the day of its dominance.
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