Ashval wrote:Joanie's bladder reminds me of the Kool Aid man.
Figured I'd add this with Halloween comin' up.

Moderator: Station Managers
Ashval wrote:Joanie's bladder reminds me of the Kool Aid man.
Shigy wrote:Your not helping your "I'm not a vampire" claim you keep making Joany
Shigy wrote:That's some impressive hair you've got Dharzee
Dharzee wrote:Once upon a time I started my own small business called 'The Enchanted Wardrobe' and had booths at craft shows and a couple of ren fairs. I would paint and sell miniatures (from fantasy gaming lines), I dabbled some in making wands and staffs and I also made some jewelry. My (now ex) girlfriend was a seamstress and would make some costume pieces and other little things. I used to enjoy going to ren fairs just to look around and buy daggers and enjoy the scenery but I haven't been to one in at least five years I think.
Kermie wrote:and just because
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