That's right May has two awesome contests for you to take part in! We hope you enjoy this month as much as we do! Good luck to you all!
Tomorrow is another day for tainting and corrupting more innocent souls
"Do I detect the formation of a new org? Bacon Appreciation Society? I have first dibs on the head post at the Tastier As Rashers Division...Yes...that would make me The Man from B.A.S.T.A.R.D !."
Saturday reminder you have until Tuesday 2nd June to enter the GSP contests running then we will be announcing winners! Good luck!
Tomorrow is another day for tainting and corrupting more innocent souls
"Do I detect the formation of a new org? Bacon Appreciation Society? I have first dibs on the head post at the Tastier As Rashers Division...Yes...that would make me The Man from B.A.S.T.A.R.D !."
And our winners have been announced! Congratulations to all those who took part!
Tomorrow is another day for tainting and corrupting more innocent souls
"Do I detect the formation of a new org? Bacon Appreciation Society? I have first dibs on the head post at the Tastier As Rashers Division...Yes...that would make me The Man from B.A.S.T.A.R.D !."