Cosy Christmas with GridStream Productions

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Cosy Christmas with GridStream Productions

Postby Gemmikins » Tue Dec 08, 2020 4:42 am

Well we made it to December. 2020 is almost behind us and here is to a better brighter and safer 2021.

The end of the year means the final 2020 parties. Starting off we have the ARK and GSP Christmas Party on Sunday 13th December at 2pm Eastern/7pm UTC in Reets Retreat on the Glass Dancefloor! There will be 4 hours of partying, prizes and party games to take part in!

Then on the 2nd Janaury GSP will be hosting their own Christmas party, we are thinking of starting around Midday and then going as long as we feel, we are finalising the last details but stay tuned for that! There will be prizes, games, lots of Christmas cheer and the chance to win at least one GSP Vintage T-Shirt.

We wish you all the best this holiday season, we hope you get something you wish for and stay as safe as possible in these trying times. We hope 2021 brings you more calm, stability and positive outlooks for the future.

And of course what would December be without one final GSP Contest to round out 2020! Check out the forum image for the contest information. Bare in mind there are no ARK or GM's helping Santa Leet on this when you make your list for them!
Gridstream Productions final 2020 Giveaway!.png
Tomorrow is another day for tainting and corrupting more innocent souls :)

"Do I detect the formation of a new org? Bacon Appreciation Society? I have first dibs on the head post at the Tastier As Rashers Division...Yes...that would make me The Man from B.A.S.T.A.R.D !."
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Re: Cosy Christmas with GridStream Productions

Postby Gemmikins » Thu Dec 24, 2020 2:02 am

Final day to get your wish lists in for Santa Leet! Gemmikins will be reaching out when items have been received. If you had nodrops you will have received a message from myself about coming along to obtain them!
Tomorrow is another day for tainting and corrupting more innocent souls :)

"Do I detect the formation of a new org? Bacon Appreciation Society? I have first dibs on the head post at the Tastier As Rashers Division...Yes...that would make me The Man from B.A.S.T.A.R.D !."
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Re: Cosy Christmas with GridStream Productions

Postby Gemmikins » Sun Jan 03, 2021 6:51 pm

GridStream Productions New Year Party Aftermath!.png

Thank you all and congrats winners!
Tomorrow is another day for tainting and corrupting more innocent souls :)

"Do I detect the formation of a new org? Bacon Appreciation Society? I have first dibs on the head post at the Tastier As Rashers Division...Yes...that would make me The Man from B.A.S.T.A.R.D !."
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