Spooktober Surprises

News and announcements from the GSP staff.

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Spooktober Surprises

Postby Gemmikins » Sun Oct 04, 2020 8:47 pm

So we are finally into October! We have had an eventful couple of months with GSP contests outside of game, the people taking part have grown and it's been great to treat our listeners for taking part!
We plan to have three more contests before the end of the year the first starting 5th October and running until Halloween so please keep your eyes peeled for the Anarchy Online scavenger hunt details!

October also means Halloween parties! We have been asked already for one set of Halloween parties by listeners and GridStream Productions will be hosting their own on the 30th and 31st this month as well. Final details are still being worked out but keep an eye on the forums and calendar for further details as we flesh these out. I am sure they will be a spooky treat for all!

Lastly thank you for tuning into shows and joining us for parties we know 2020 has definitely been a rollercoaster this far and we appreciate you all! If there any questions, ideas for events/promos/contests or prizes we can give away please feel free to let Gemmikins know and she will happily assist. If you are interested in becoming a GSP DJ please let Gemmikins know as well and she can answer any questions, concerns or assist in helping get the process started!

Halloween Scavenger hunt.png
Tomorrow is another day for tainting and corrupting more innocent souls :)

"Do I detect the formation of a new org? Bacon Appreciation Society? I have first dibs on the head post at the Tastier As Rashers Division...Yes...that would make me The Man from B.A.S.T.A.R.D !."
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