Happy Half Way Point 2020!

News and announcements from the GSP staff.

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Happy Half Way Point 2020!

Postby Gemmikins » Sun Jun 28, 2020 9:30 pm

So we have made it to the end of June without too much issue in the GSP life of things! The world for 2020 is still working on a "Hold my beer" type deal as months go by. We hope you are all keeping safe out there and holding on as best as you can. Don't forget we are still here for you all at GSP and providing as much liveness as we can!

We welcomed DJ Luckystarr back this month who is bringing you Starrstuck on Wednesday's at 1pm Eastern/5pm UTC! She has already done a couple of shows for you guys so yay for more liveness!

It is also currently the Funcom Anniversaries both in Anarchy Online and Secret Worlds! Hopefully you will find some awesome goodies and fun! ARK has asked GSP to host a party in Anarchy Online which will be 11th July at 2pm Eastern/6pm UTC for those wanting to take part! Luckystarr and Gemmikins will be your hosts for the event and bringing you prizes and awesome music throughout the 4 hours of liveness!

Gemmikins is also back on a regular time slot! (About time!) She will be live Sunday afternoons from 3pm to 6pm Eastern time unless it's MMOATP weekend and she'll be on 2 hours before MMOATP and continuing from there!

Lastly there will be a trivia contest for those wanting to win Steam Game Codes. Gemmikins is working on the questions for this but you should see the question list and how to enter within the week! We will give you more details as she gets it together!

As always stay safe and thank you for listening!
Tomorrow is another day for tainting and corrupting more innocent souls :)

"Do I detect the formation of a new org? Bacon Appreciation Society? I have first dibs on the head post at the Tastier As Rashers Division...Yes...that would make me The Man from B.A.S.T.A.R.D !."
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