Psst...Is the Coast Clear?

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Psst...Is the Coast Clear?

Postby Vallikat » Tue Jan 10, 2017 4:20 am

Looks like we've finally seen the end of 2016 and are now safely ensconced in 2017. So far so good. I'm sure a lot of celebrity types are breathing a sigh of relief right about now. I'm sure 2017 has its share of surprises in store for us, but we'll just have to wait and see if that's good or bad.

Here at Gridstream we're hoping for a really great year. We're always looking forward to spending time to doing what we love and hanging out with all of you, our faithful fans. We plan to bring you a lot of truly amazing shows and events throughout this year and we hope you're as excited for the future as we are.

One thing that would be really wonderful would be to be able to do more shows for you guys, but for that we need a little of your help. There's two things that help. One would be if some of you wanted to come work for us so that we can do more for the people of TSW and AO. The other way would be by asking us to host your party. We love DJing events and right now we have lots of free time on our event calendar. (and then of course if we have more events it would be helpful to have more DJ's so really its just a big circle, the circle of life or the circle of GSP or the circle of... ok well you get the idea :)).

We do have a couple of hiccups to report. You may have noticed that the sight has had some issues of late. Xtrophic has been working on things for us and while you may encounter some blips here and there he should have things running smoothly for us here shortly. Additionally it seems that webplayer doesn't seem to want to work under Chrome. We're working on that as well.

That's it for now. As always, thanks for listening!
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