Spring Things!

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Spring Things!

Postby Vallikat » Wed Mar 11, 2015 2:28 am

I don't know about you, but I'm very glad that Spring is finally upon us. Technically I guess we still have some winter left to contend with in my part of the world, but I think we're finally seeing the light. Whew!

So what does that mean for GSP?

Well for one thing it means Spring Break! Oh yes! DJs Trevalin and Nicksa will be more than happy to see some bikini clad beach goers for this 10 hour marathon party! The party starts on March 28th at 2 pm EST from the Essex Coast (that's in-game location Journey's End, Kingsmouth). Come join us for fun in the sun as we dance the day and night away!

Omni-pol knows how to party too! Hard to believe, but it's true! They're having their monthly party on March 22 at 4 pm eastern. DJ Dharzee will be spinning the tunes this time from the Omni-Pol Org City. All are welcome to celebrate Omni-pol promotions and have some fun. If you can't make it this time, don't worry, Omni-Pol plans to have this party on the 2nd to last Sunday every month. We hope to see you there!

It's almost St. Patrick's Day and we're not forgetting the holiday. We'll be sprinkling in more and more Irish/Celtic themed music at our regular shows between now and the 17th. I hope you all get a chance to get your jig on. :)

Coming along next month ARK and Funcom present the Borealis Street Party on April 18 at 3pm, eastern. The party is due to last 4 hours and although we don't have all the details set, there's no doubt this will be an awesome time. Stay tuned for details.

What else can I tease?

How about Funcom's Really Big TSW Contest?! Recently Tomium announced that Funcom has something huge up their sleeves coming next month! I may or may not know more than that, but I can't tell you much more than you can read for yourself on the forum. I will only say that if I was you, I'd pay close attention. It's going to be awesome!

And speaking of teasing and awesome and huge, birthday season is coming!! First is our birthday in May and then AO's birthday the following month. I know that seems like a long way away, but as you all know, these parties tend to be ginormous. I figure I better let you know now so you can plan accordingly! Details to follow!!!

Sadly, I do have some sad news to report. Juud, who recently joined us as Community Relations Lead in AO, has had to leave us. Unfortunately, "real life" was taking a toll and he was unable to provide us with the assistance that we were hoping for. We wish him all the best in sorting out RK4 so that he might some day return. In the meanwhile, this news does mean that we once again have a job opening. If you or anyone you know loves us, loves the community and loves AO, please send them our way. They can talk to Kriegshammer or any one of our crew to find out more details.

Well that's all I have for now.

As always, thanks for listening!
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