Shake it Up!

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Shake it Up!

Postby Vallikat » Mon Aug 25, 2014 1:12 am

Yeah we're good for shaking things up around here and of course we've done it again!

Now that the NOD's (Nicksa, Oubliette, and Dharzee) have passed their tests we've had to shake some things up in order to get them on the schedule. However the first change on our schedule isn't even about one of the NODs (because you know we just like to eff with you like that).

First off is Anger Management. Ashval is taking a much needed break from this show for awhile. He comes back to the schedule on Sunday (yes, Sunday) October 5. The new show will be shorter but still jam packed with metal. He'll be doing themed shows which I'm sure will really accentuate just how deep his playlist goes. He also plans on alternating between AO and TSW. Good news for those of you on Rubi-ka who have been missing him!

((Don't worry, Trevalin is still live every Wednesday night with Eye of the Storm.))

Skipping ahead in the week is DJ Nicksa who will be filling the void left behind by Ashval on Saturday nights at 8pm, eastern. The Grindhouse moves in to TSW. To quote from Nicksa herself this show "highlights the best of rock from the 1950s to today. You will hear everything from Johnny Cash to The Clash, though the emphasis will be on music from the 60s and 70s. Roots and blues, psychobilly, acid rock, hair bands: YOU’LL HEAR THEM ALL, PLUS MORE!"

Next on the list is DJ Dharzee. His Big Hair Ball started this past Tuesday and you can catch it every Tuesday at 7:00 pm, eastern time in AO. As the name indicates his show will feature classic rock of the "big hair" era. However he mixes it up with novelties, new music, and might even throw in some metal or country if the mood strikes.

Our next change comes to Thursdays when DJ Oubliette turns 7 pm Eastern into Permanent Midnight. This TSW-based show is dark in the best possible way. She features goth, industrial, metal, punk and anything else her little heart desires. I don't know about you, but I'm ok with that.

And that's not all. Looking for an announcement coming soon regarding R.A.W with DJ Azuca. I don't want to tell any tales out of school though so we'll just wait for him to give you more info. :)

In addition rumor has it that the War-Forge with DJ Kriegshammer should be on it's way back to our regular schedule before too much longer.

Sadly with good news comes a bit of bad news. DJ Dynamiks has some health issues that he needs to take care of and so in the meanwhile Club Troppo will be on a hiatus. We'll be sure to let you know just as soon as he can bring it back.

Those are all the changes for now, but are more in the works? You'll just have to keep checking back to find out for sure.

As always, thanks for listening!
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